
No compensation plan but want me to work

From 2019-2022, the company I work for hired my LLC as an independent contractor and we had a contract in place for my compensation. In January 2023, they onboarded everyone as employees (and I closed my LLC) but did not create any new employee agreements. I asked about this and was told it was coming. It did not come. In Q2, I was shorted on my bonus payout (I'm a salesperson) without any explanation. When I requested explanation for why my commission on certain accounts had dropped in percentage arbitrarily, I was told that my existing and future commission structure was under review. No timeline was given for when I would learn more. Which greatly impacts my incentive to sell. A few weeks ago, we learned that one of the partners sold his 50% of the company to a venture capital firm and we now have investors to answer to.…

From 2019-2022, the company I work for hired my LLC as an independent contractor and we had a contract in place for my compensation. In January 2023, they onboarded everyone as employees (and I closed my LLC) but did not create any new employee agreements. I asked about this and was told it was coming. It did not come.

In Q2, I was shorted on my bonus payout (I'm a salesperson) without any explanation. When I requested explanation for why my commission on certain accounts had dropped in percentage arbitrarily, I was told that my existing and future commission structure was under review. No timeline was given for when I would learn more. Which greatly impacts my incentive to sell.

A few weeks ago, we learned that one of the partners sold his 50% of the company to a venture capital firm and we now have investors to answer to. The new CEO took several weeks to reach out to me, and when we spoke last week under the guise of a 'getting to know you' call, he grilled me on why revenue goals had not been meant that 1) I was unaware of and 2) I am not responsible for. He did not spend any significant time trying to understand my contributions to the company. His focus was on what needs to happen moving forward and implied it is my sole responsibility to close a revenue gap.

Today, I told him I would be happy to discuss strategy moving forward once we have a compensation agreement in place. He told me I was being inappropriate, that I have an obligation to the company to do my job regardless, he said verbatim “it's not a linear calculation that your compensation needs to be in place before you complete the work.”

So, um, work for free – then?

At the end of the call, he told me to suspend my duties for the time being, but promptly emailed me afterwards to say he expects me on a sales call tomorrow.

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