
no empathy

This happened at an old job, but always wanted to get this off my chest. One day on the way to work, a driver ran a red light and hit me. She hit my rear driver side, and if I was any slower, she would have hit my side. Long story short on the accident, my car got crushed pretty bad, frame damage, and the tires are gone. I wasn't heavily injured, but had minor back and neck pain, and had a few minor cuts on my fingers which looked worse than it was because there was blood all over. While waiting for the tow truck, I called my work place, HR specifically. Told her what happened. Told her my car got crushed and waiting for a tow. And that I'll visit a hospital afterwards. The very first thing she said to me, “so can you make it to work…

This happened at an old job, but always wanted to get this off my chest. One day on the way to work, a driver ran a red light and hit me. She hit my rear driver side, and if I was any slower, she would have hit my side. Long story short on the accident, my car got crushed pretty bad, frame damage, and the tires are gone. I wasn't heavily injured, but had minor back and neck pain, and had a few minor cuts on my fingers which looked worse than it was because there was blood all over.

While waiting for the tow truck, I called my work place, HR specifically. Told her what happened. Told her my car got crushed and waiting for a tow. And that I'll visit a hospital afterwards. The very first thing she said to me, “so can you make it to work today?” I'm just thinking wtf? She then requested pictures be given to her email. I sent them over. Then she asked if I'll be able to at least come in the following day. The first thing on her mind is working her employees bone dry. Granted I somewhat understand her situation because the job has a huge turnover rate. But her lack of empathy and response to me seemed disrespectful.

I didn't end up working their much longer thereafter. Oddly enough literally 1 week after leaving, they raised the wages.

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