
No good deed goes unpunished, I guess..

This morning we received emails confirming our paycheck was due, I normally like to check mine so I can get a head start on budgeting and noticed that it was substantially more than what I normally get so I looked into it and noticed that I was given an extra 20 hours OT on my check. Knew something was up and remembered seeing posts about employers over paying then coming back with the hand of god to get the money back from the employee so I figured I'd go ahead and let my supervisor know. We don't actually get paid until Friday anyways so should be no big deal, right? Wrong. So wrong. I let my supervisor know, he said he'd take a look and let me know and thanked me for letting him know. He comes back about an hour later and starts berating me accusing me of stealing…

This morning we received emails confirming our paycheck was due, I normally like to check mine so I can get a head start on budgeting and noticed that it was substantially more than what I normally get so I looked into it and noticed that I was given an extra 20 hours OT on my check. Knew something was up and remembered seeing posts about employers over paying then coming back with the hand of god to get the money back from the employee so I figured I'd go ahead and let my supervisor know. We don't actually get paid until Friday anyways so should be no big deal, right?

Wrong. So wrong. I let my supervisor know, he said he'd take a look and let me know and thanked me for letting him know. He comes back about an hour later and starts berating me accusing me of stealing time from the company and that I should be lucky that the owner didn't see it. He scolded me for not clocking out properly yesterday and told me that if it happened again we'd need to have a talk.

The system we use to clock in/out is faulty, I've brought this up numerous times to both IT and my supervisor and they're aware. We have to clock out, then click accept, then click accept on another screen. Sometimes that 2nd screen doesn't pop up and we've been told before that it's fine and the system still received the timesheet update. So not only did I try to do the right thing and got slapped in the face for it but now I am potentially at risk of losing my job over this. Is it just me or did this seem like a no-win scenario for me all around?

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