I work as a janitor for a Lockheed Martin facility in upstate NY. I'm employed by a company that Lockheed contracts to clean. Before the current company won the contract bid, I worked for a different one obviously. They weren't the greatest, but I had a boss who was genuinely great, the workload wasn't crazy, and eventually I decided fuck it, let's actually try and move up. I was sick of jumping job to job, I had recently gotten married, and with no real career path I thought maybe now is the time I really put some effort into a job.
So, I did. I got shift lead.. then basically 2 weeks after (before my lead pay was instated), I come to learn that a new company has underbid our contract and we'd all be employed by this new company. Hooray! We don't have to worry about our jobs and we get the same pay? Sweet deal.. except I had to have my boss, and HER boss, to fight HR to still give me my pay raise I was promised. I got A raise.. but it was a whole dollar less than we discussed, but it was the best her and her boss could do for me, god bless em cause they really did try for me and I appreciate the hell out of them for it.
Cut to the present…. My old boss is still the supervisor, so that's good, but her boss from this new company we work for is a FUCKING ASSHOLE. He's added MORE work on to our plates, he's trying to cut everyone's hours while simultaneously not understanding why “everything isn't getting done”, my boss is getting paid an entire SIX DOLLARS LESS then what she originally was told, our equipment fucking sucks, he will come in and change everyones scheduled runs around and confuse the absolute shit out of me and my boss, took 2 people from full time to part time, is hiring new staff for HIGHER WAGES than the people who have been here already for seemingly no reason, we have no training on things we need training on… this job has turned into an absolute stress factory for me. My boss gets zero respect, neither do I. We can't make decisions we know would be better for us because the new guy has an iron hold on everything, and he's a fucking MORON to boot. He doesn't even have experience in this line of work.. I don't understand how he even got to his position.
Now here's the fuckin kicker.. we we're informed right before Memorial Day, that we WERE NOT receiving holiday pay. In fact, NO ONE gets holiday pay for anything until we've worked there for A YEAR.. what about your accrued time off you earn?… same thing. We accrue time off.. that we can't use for an entire fucking year. I have worked for some awful fucking people, and awful companies.. they ALL paid us holiday time, they ALL let us use our accrued time off as soon as we needed to. Even places I worked off the books did this for us..
I'm completely checked out. I'm doing less than bare minimum, and on most nights I don't even stay the full 8 hours cause I can't bear wasting my fucking life in that Lockheed Martin building. I can't stand cleaning for these people that build parts for fucking missiles and planes we send overseas to spread our particular brand of American misery around, and I was complacent staying here when I thought maybe, just maybe if I stick this one out I'll finally land that “””career””” I've been seeking for so long, but I can't do it anymore.
I'm not sure exactly why I'm posting this, but I'm 30, I have a wife, and I have no fucking career. I was working towards what I thought could be something truly good for me and her, and it was ripped out from under me and now I'm here. On Reddit. Bitching and moaning into the aether because I just need to get this out. How do you find a job you love at fuckin 30 years old?