
No holiday pay for calling in the day before or after holiday ??

I've worked at this health care facility for about 5 years. The pay is poor to say the least, but the work load (at least used to be) relatively light and the environment relatively stress free. but since covid it's taken a complete nose dive in the moral of staff and the amount if work expected from us keeps going up. So, I went on call some months ago. I'm getting older and my back just can't handle the amount of physical work, that seems to keep increasing. (Not the same with the fucking pay of course!) anyways, I picked up a NOC (overnight) shift last night for the holiday pay. I'm sick today. I haven't called in for long time, and of course the scheduler starts giving me the classic sob story “we've already had so many call ins! bla bla bla” not my problem. So, I say “oh…

I've worked at this health care facility for about 5 years. The pay is poor to say the least, but the work load (at least used to be) relatively light and the environment relatively stress free. but since covid it's taken a complete nose dive in the moral of staff and the amount if work expected from us keeps going up.

So, I went on call some months ago. I'm getting older and my back just can't handle the amount of physical work, that seems to keep increasing. (Not the same with the fucking pay of course!) anyways, I picked up a NOC (overnight) shift last night for the holiday pay. I'm sick today. I haven't called in for long time, and of course the scheduler starts giving me the classic sob story “we've already had so many call ins! bla bla bla” not my problem.

So, I say “oh man, that sucks.” And we hang up. Then she calls back and goes “yeah, just so you know, if you call in the day before or after a holiday shift, you won't get your holiday pay for that shift.” Honestly, it doesn't surprise me with my scummy employer and I don't plan on being there much longer, but it just seem especially scummy and was just wondering if that was something they can even do? It doesn't even seem legal.

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