
No job is worth your happiness

This is going to sound dramatic but it’s my genuine experience. I worked at a supermarket to support myself during university. Two ten hour shifts on the weekend while I spent all week at uni. It robbed me of any relaxation and they expected me to be at company standard the day I arrived. I’d work pallets the same speed as everyone else and I’d get told off for not being fast enough, I’d do a ten hour shift with a half hour break, sometimes 6+ hours in. I know this may seem tame compared to some of the stories I’ve seen on here, but it genuinely messed me up. The constant feeling of being a fuck up was always on my mind there, they made me feel like shit. I thought about leaving, doing a proper two weeks bullshit. Then I thought fuck em and handed in my notice…

This is going to sound dramatic but it’s my genuine experience. I worked at a supermarket to support myself during university. Two ten hour shifts on the weekend while I spent all week at uni. It robbed me of any relaxation and they expected me to be at company standard the day I arrived. I’d work pallets the same speed as everyone else and I’d get told off for not being fast enough, I’d do a ten hour shift with a half hour break, sometimes 6+ hours in. I know this may seem tame compared to some of the stories I’ve seen on here, but it genuinely messed me up. The constant feeling of being a fuck up was always on my mind there, they made me feel like shit. I thought about leaving, doing a proper two weeks bullshit. Then I thought fuck em and handed in my notice effective immediately. I got told they were furious but I couldn’t care less. Since then, I’ve gone on to find a okay job, nothing spectacular but it allows me to have a social life and see my girlfriend.

I went back to my old work and looked in and saw absolutely no people I worked with, even though it was on the same day I usually worked. I like to think I started a chain reaction and about 6 people left after me.

Morale of the story, never let a job interfere with your happiness. They don’t give a shit about you and they never will.

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