
No more loyalty from me

Been with my former employer for 3 years and with no warning, I was laid off. It was a shitty job with shitty pay but at least it kept me afloat. It's been a year since then and I have not been able to secure a position with no other company not even a part-time shift stocking at my local Walmart. Throughout my 3 years and before I have been financially taking care of my family who I thought would do the same for me. Since I lost my job, I have been on my own financially with no attempt by them to reimburse me for everything I have ever done for them. This has been a trying time of realization for me. I never thought I would hit rock bottom this hard at 28 but here I am. I have always been passive but optimistic about my outlook for…

Been with my former employer for 3 years and with no warning, I was laid off. It was a shitty job with shitty pay but at least it kept me afloat. It's been a year since then and I have not been able to secure a position with no other company not even a part-time shift stocking at my local Walmart. Throughout my 3 years and before I have been financially taking care of my family who I thought would do the same for me. Since I lost my job, I have been on my own financially with no attempt by them to reimburse me for everything I have ever done for them. This has been a trying time of realization for me. I never thought I would hit rock bottom this hard at 28 but here I am. I have always been passive but optimistic about my outlook for my future. I have been hit back-to-back with devastating trials that have officially broken me.

I would continue crying about it but can no longer dedicate any more of my tears. I think that's a start to becoming more assertive with my life decisions.

I have never commented before but I have been following this subreddit for a while now. But what are your guys' 2023 career and family resolutions?

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