
No more pay equals no more work

Hi, this is my first time posting, so let me know if I'm doing anything wrong. I work as a security specialist for a maternity hospital in a lower income area. I've always taken great pride in my work by taking additional duties on that are not traditional for a worker of my caliber to do. This includes fixing high angle cameras and running cable for the hospital. Doing this for them, I have saved them “”Quite Literally”” hundreds of thousands of dollars. I have worked for the same hospital for 12 years, and in that time I have also personally performed over 280 arrests on trespassers, with around 60 of them later being convicted in court for provable malicious intent. In addition to making my security system a well oiled machine, I was also attentive to running it as such. I watched the security feeds myself. I didn't take…

Hi, this is my first time posting, so let me know if I'm doing anything wrong.

I work as a security specialist for a maternity hospital in a lower income area. I've always taken great pride in my work by taking additional duties on that are not traditional for a worker of my caliber to do. This includes fixing high angle cameras and running cable for the hospital. Doing this for them, I have saved them “”Quite Literally”” hundreds of thousands of dollars. I have worked for the same hospital for 12 years, and in that time I have also personally performed over 280 arrests on trespassers, with around 60 of them later being convicted in court for provable malicious intent. In addition to making my security system a well oiled machine, I was also attentive to running it as such. I watched the security feeds myself. I didn't take lunch breaks unless I was sitting in front of those feeds. I didn't drink any liquids until after work, since I didn't want to take bathroom breaks during work hours. I cannot stress this enough, I did my job PERFECTLY.

To me, it seemed like my extra mile wasn't going unnoticed, as I was getting yearly reviews and raises. In those 12 years, my salary had risen to (roughly) 290k before bonuses. Things were looking really good until this last year. When my review came up, my boss, the director of the maternity hospital, told me that I had reached the maximum possible income for my role. I was outraged, but I stayed quiet about it. Instead of working as I was and watching my salary go up, I decided I would slowly work less, and watch my salary stay the same. In the last 6 months, I've not only started taking bathroom breaks, but I've begun taking long bathroom breaks. Because of the nature of my job, I'm usually the only person with access to the security feeds, and the only three guys who watch them do so by themselves during night shift and weekends. Those three other guys are nowhere as attentive as I used to be, so I am almost certain that they haven't noticed that the one of the camera feeds went down about two weeks ago. It's frozen in place with nobody on screen.

Recently as well, I have begun taking naps while I'm on feed duty. At such times, I am the only person with access to the feed room at such times, nobody is even allowed to come in and check to see if I'm working. Sometimes I'll watch movies and television on my phone now, instead of watching the cameras.

I implore everyone reading this to do the same as me. You shouldn't let your salaries be frozen by the same greedy fucks who are screwing up our economy. My strike is a silent one, but I am absolutely rooting for those of you out there who are arguing for better wages and conditions.

TL;DR: Stop doing your job if you stop getting raises.

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