
Every labor law is proof of their inhumanity

No lawmaker simply woke up one day and thought “Hey, let's pick an arbitrary number that businesses can't pay their employees below”. Neither did they wonder “Why don't we force businesses to put designated pissing and shitting areas in the workplace?” or “How about we make it illegal for businesses to pay their employees with tokens instead of money?”. Those regulations were created not out of flippancy but necessity. Businesses used to have free reign on how low they paid their employees, whether or not there were bathrooms for them to use, if fake currency could be used to keep them indebted, and much worse. Each passed law was a victory of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie, a victory of human decency over endless greed. But those times have passed. Today, businesses lobby lawmakers to turn back those victories as the ignorant populace cheers, having been convinced that removing their…

No lawmaker simply woke up one day and thought “Hey, let's pick an arbitrary number that businesses can't pay their employees below”. Neither did they wonder “Why don't we force businesses to put designated pissing and shitting areas in the workplace?” or “How about we make it illegal for businesses to pay their employees with tokens instead of money?”. Those regulations were created not out of flippancy but necessity. Businesses used to have free reign on how low they paid their employees, whether or not there were bathrooms for them to use, if fake currency could be used to keep them indebted, and much worse. Each passed law was a victory of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie, a victory of human decency over endless greed. But those times have passed. Today, businesses lobby lawmakers to turn back those victories as the ignorant populace cheers, having been convinced that removing their defenses against the corporate overlords will somehow benefit them. They forget that each regulation was put in place not to stifle business but to protect us from it. It's shown its true colors long ago. If given the opportunity, they would literally enslave us, and every repealed labor law brings us a step closer to that dream of theirs/nightmare of ours. Never doubt the fact that the oligarch is your enemy, for he would pounce at the chance to return you, me, and everyone else to the time of Sinclair's The Jungle without a second thought

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