
No References. What Can I Do?

I've been out of work for 2 years. I left to start college. I currently live at home and need a job. I am having a hard time finding a normal retail/fast food job. I only have experience in childcare and need 3 references for the center I'm applying to. One of my old daycare jobs slandered my name because I reported child abuse. This is a center I want to omit from my resume, but people say not to do that. I'm thinking of putting down a fake reference from someone at this center, but don't have a number. What can I do? Should I put down fake references? Maybe 2 fake ones one real one? How bad is it to put down a fake resume? Will I go to jail or something??

I've been out of work for 2 years. I left to start college. I currently live at home and need a job. I am having a hard time finding a normal retail/fast food job. I only have experience in childcare and need 3 references for the center I'm applying to. One of my old daycare jobs slandered my name because I reported child abuse. This is a center I want to omit from my resume, but people say not to do that. I'm thinking of putting down a fake reference from someone at this center, but don't have a number. What can I do? Should I put down fake references? Maybe 2 fake ones one real one? How bad is it to put down a fake resume? Will I go to jail or something??

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