
No risk high reward

How dumb are we as a society to keep acting like people facing student, and other, debts are obliged to bring home so much less than business owners? We've been sold the idea that they take risks starting a business that justify higher pay, and it's bullshit. They can legally pay themselves huge salaries, when bankruptcy protections let them keep most of their stuff, even if they drive a business into the ground and leave their employees and creditors broke, with very few consequences. Four bankruptcies and legions of people stiffed for their hard work, isn't even enough to outrage people into stopping someone from being President. Meanwhile, their workers can't even discharge their student loan debt through bankruptcy, even if it's from some bullshit for-profit college, even though the college's owners can when the school gets shut down for being a fraud

How dumb are we as a society to keep acting like people facing student, and other, debts are obliged to bring home so much less than business owners? We've been sold the idea that they take risks starting a business that justify higher pay, and it's bullshit. They can legally pay themselves huge salaries, when bankruptcy protections let them keep most of their stuff, even if they drive a business into the ground and leave their employees and creditors broke, with very few consequences. Four bankruptcies and legions of people stiffed for their hard work, isn't even enough to outrage people into stopping someone from being President. Meanwhile, their workers can't even discharge their student loan debt through bankruptcy, even if it's from some bullshit for-profit college, even though the college's owners can when the school gets shut down for being a fraud

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