The director of the construction company I work for has sent me a meeting invite for all supervisors for 2:00pm Friday. Thing is I’m on permanent night shift I start my week on Sunday night. If I worked day shift it is the equivalent of me waking up at 2:00am and on Saturday and logging in to attend the meeting. The director doesn’t rate me as a supervisor. My tittle is only junior supervisor. At Christmas I wasn’t entitled to the same payment as the other supervisors cause apparently it didn’t apply to me cause I am only a junior supervisor. It was out of fear of me leaving that they paid me. This is the first invitation to a meeting I have received in the 18 months that I have worked here. So the fact I miss the first one doesn’t bother me. At my review I argued that junior supervisor suggests that there is a senior supervisor to mentor me. But it is only me since the day I started. He was shocked to hear that I was programming the work , raising permits, doing prestarts , all safety inspections, etc. I have been told that my completion rate on inspections is well above others. Me136 inspections one month. Average per other supervisors anything from 3 – 36. I know time to move on . I could vent heaps more but that is it for now .