
Not getting paid at work, what do I do?

I wasn’t sure where to post about this, and im completely ignorant on what to do. Im faulting myself as well but I was hoping for the best and was optimistic. Early December I started a job at a small restaurant. I was told I was getting $15 an hour. The place already seemed fishy as they presented an option for me to get $13 an hour, where id get paid in half cash and half check. I started and never filled out any tax forms. They didnt have a system of clocking in either. I took it upon myself to keep track of my own hours which was around 5 hours a day. With how the place has been ran though, I start asking to be scheduled less and at this point Ive quit. After two weeks passed I asked about pay days and they responded to me that…

I wasn’t sure where to post about this, and im completely ignorant on what to do. Im faulting myself as well but I was hoping for the best and was optimistic.

Early December I started a job at a small restaurant. I was told I was getting $15 an hour. The place already seemed fishy as they presented an option for me to get $13 an hour, where id get paid in half cash and half check.

I started and never filled out any tax forms. They didnt have a system of clocking in either. I took it upon myself to keep track of my own hours which was around 5 hours a day. With how the place has been ran though, I start asking to be scheduled less and at this point Ive quit.
After two weeks passed I asked about pay days and they responded to me that I would get a check on the first of the month.

I finally got a paycheck and it was severely short. It was $225, which would be less than 4 days of work with my hourly pay at the time. I did the math with the hours i recorded and even the days i took ubers from and to work and should have gotten up to $930 on that check.

Im totally lost on what to do. I worked my ass off when I was there, and Im conflicted on what to do with this place being such a tightly knit family run business. But i have a family of my own and I was dependent on this check for bills, rent, etc.

Should I contact the DOL? Help please! I cannot afford to go to court if this is even valid enough for that.

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