
Not Getting Paid Full 8 Hours

Throw away account because my main has my name in it. I am a new mom with a 6-week-old baby. I just started back to work yesterday. However, daycare can't take him yet (waitlists are mega long here, but somehow we found the place that had the earliest start date for later this month if all goes to plan). The owner of the company personally came to me while I was pregnant and told me he would like to pay my 6 weeks because I've helped the company so much and have been loyal, and he'd like to repay that loyalty, but they would take 3 days of my vacation since they are a small business just to help out a little. My family and my boyfriend's family all live approx 10 hours away, so there is no one here to watch the baby since our friends all work too.…

Throw away account because my main has my name in it.

I am a new mom with a 6-week-old baby. I just started back to work yesterday. However, daycare can't take him yet (waitlists are mega long here, but somehow we found the place that had the earliest start date for later this month if all goes to plan). The owner of the company personally came to me while I was pregnant and told me he would like to pay my 6 weeks because I've helped the company so much and have been loyal, and he'd like to repay that loyalty, but they would take 3 days of my vacation since they are a small business just to help out a little. My family and my boyfriend's family all live approx 10 hours away, so there is no one here to watch the baby since our friends all work too. I told my boss this 2 weeks ago and that I would need to work from home for a couple of weeks at least, which hopefully is when the daycare could get the baby started. He didn't say anything about it being a problem.Flash forward to today (my second day back) when my manager calls me and tells me that they cannot justify paying me 8 hours a day because I am not doing 8 hours' worth of work since I'm not in the office, and he will have to talk to the owner about what they think is fair. I am doing everything I did prior to going on maternity leave. They added new duties while I was out, and that is what I am not able to do from home (which, in my opinion, should constitute a raise once I am back in the office, but that's another post for another day). Not to mention, while giving me this news, it was thrown in my face that they “took care of me” so I could stay home with my newborn for 6 weeks (I didn't demand it or even ask for it. I simply asked what their policy was and the owner came to me personally shortly before I went out) after I tried to fight back and stand my ground. They also took all 7 of my vacation days, not just 3, but I didn't get that part in writing, so I don't know if I can argue about that.I don't know what I should do. I have the owner's contact info and could go directly to him to make complaints, but the manager is in his family, so I feel like he'll back up whatever the manager says. Any advice?? It's a small (less than 20 employees), for-profit mental health clinic in the southern US.

ETA: They want me to still be available 9-5 and do my normal days work, just pay me for fewer hours.

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