
Not My Problem

After being bypassed for a supervisor position 10 years ago, in favor of a less senior and less qualified man, said supervisor transferred to our office in FL taking a demotion into a nonsupervisory position to do so because he wanted to move to FL. I was asked by colleagues if I intended to apply. My answer was I become eligible to retire in 2 1/2 years, any increase in pay isn't worth it at this stage of the game (they use the high three years of salary for pension calculations purpose), I'd go from union to salaried with zero protection, and I can do my job in my sleep. I'm trying to have less stress in my life, not add to it, or add supervisory duties and do my job as well. The salty party of me said to myself, 10 years ago I would have been interested and…

After being bypassed for a supervisor position 10 years ago, in favor of a less senior and less qualified man, said supervisor transferred to our office in FL taking a demotion into a nonsupervisory position to do so because he wanted to move to FL.

I was asked by colleagues if I intended to apply. My answer was I become eligible to retire in 2 1/2 years, any increase in pay isn't worth it at this stage of the game (they use the high three years of salary for pension calculations purpose), I'd go from union to salaried with zero protection, and I can do my job in my sleep. I'm trying to have less stress in my life, not add to it, or add supervisory duties and do my job as well.

The salty party of me said to myself, 10 years ago I would have been interested and willing to suck up the aggravation, for 10 years extra pay, 401K and social security contributions. I lost out on all that because of what happened.

My boss was in a bind because no one applied who had the needed experience. I didn't hear that from him but the rumor mill. He knows about my plans to retire once I become eligible.

When the job was reposted, he convinced a less experienced supervisor in a different area to apply and he got the job. However, he is not moving fully into his new role 100% until they get a replacement for him. So he's doing his old job plus some of his new role.

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