So I’ve been working for this company for about 3 months now and my boss made a joke that made me pretty uncomfortable and I’m not sure how to go about it.
Basically what happened was when I came into work today they were cleaning out one of the offices I had never been in before until today and when I walked in I said “this office is pretty cool, I’ve never seen it before” and then my boss (owner of the company) said to me “yeah, this is the room you’re going to be molested in”. I know he was most likely just making a distasteful joke, but it still made me really uncomfortable.
This is a small company of about 10 people and I honestly don’t think we have a legit HR department, so I’m not sure how to go about it. This is the first time he’s ever made this type of joke at me before but he’s made plenty of offensive jokes about people with special needs before as well and he honestly just pushes me the wrong way. Any suggestions?