
Not sure how to handle this

For legality reasons, let’s say this is a hypothetical situation: You apply for a job Local Bowling Alley/Bar, interview and get hired. During the hiring process, Big boss asks how many hours you need per week. You tell Them 30-40, and they say no problem at all and agree to that. everyone signs the employment paperwork and you’re on your way. fast forward about a month. the training process is weird. You basically just stand there and do nothing. You get 7 hours a week the first three weeks you’re there. This isn’t nearly enough income so you say something to Assissant Big Boss, who is your direct supervisor, and he tells you it’ll change as soon as your training is done. Fast forward another month, and it has gotten a little Better but not much. now you’re consistently getting between 15-20 hours a week. so you go back to…

For legality reasons, let’s say this is a hypothetical situation:
You apply for a job Local Bowling Alley/Bar, interview and get hired. During the hiring process, Big boss asks how many hours you need per week. You tell
Them 30-40, and they say no problem at all and agree to that. everyone signs the employment paperwork and you’re on your way. fast forward about a month. the training process is weird. You basically just stand there and do nothing. You get 7 hours a week the first three weeks you’re there. This isn’t nearly enough income so you say something to Assissant Big Boss, who is your direct supervisor, and he tells you it’ll change as soon as your training is done.
Fast forward another month, and it has gotten a little
Better but not much. now you’re consistently getting between 15-20 hours a week. so you go back to Assistant Big Boss AND Big Boss and say something about your hours again. You explain to them that you’re not trying to cause problems but you’re an adult with bills to pay because you live with your fiancé alone and life is expensive. They say they understand, and that they’ll fix it.
Fast forward another month. You’ve now been working here a total of 3 months and are still not getting more than 15-20 hours per week. Big Boss hires two more additional staff members. you think this is odd with everyone getting so few hours, but you just make a mental note and move on. The next weeks schedule comes out, and you see you’re only scheduled on two six hour shifts for the upcoming week, one of which is on the one day you had said you weren’t available. Obviously this isn’t gonna work so you say something to Assistant Big Boss a third time, and this time he says corporate didn’t give them very many payroll hours to distribute this week, so nobody got much. “But don’t worry it’ll get better.” You like your job and your like your coworkers, but financially that’s just not
Gonna be ok. Do you wait longer to see if it actually gets better, or start looking for a new job because this is clearly Bullshit?
What should you do?

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