
Not too sure what to do, could use some advice.

About a month back, I started a new job at an auction house near me after having to leave my prior job due to the strain it was having on me financially (I was working for cash under the table and was spending about a third of what I made just to commute) and since starting at my new job, my boss has been giving me a ton of red flags. For context, I am on the spectrum, and have a whole slew of mental issues on top of that, all of which has been communicated to him, but it feels as though I'm being punished for not being completely up to speed already. Since starting there, I've only had a total of 44 hours of shifts, over the course of now almost six weeks, and most of my shifts have been half days due to my school schedule. Most…

About a month back, I started a new job at an auction house near me after having to leave my prior job due to the strain it was having on me financially (I was working for cash under the table and was spending about a third of what I made just to commute) and since starting at my new job, my boss has been giving me a ton of red flags.

For context, I am on the spectrum, and have a whole slew of mental issues on top of that, all of which has been communicated to him, but it feels as though I'm being punished for not being completely up to speed already.

Since starting there, I've only had a total of 44 hours of shifts, over the course of now almost six weeks, and most of my shifts have been half days due to my school schedule. Most days, I'm in house cataloguing and organizing stock to get moved to the auction floor, and he's given me loads of minute details that I'm expected to remember for each lot that I organize, and whenever I mess up, or forget something, it's a five minute lecture about what I'm doing wrong that starts with a comment like “Is this seriously what you wrote” which has driven me to the point where I feel like crying on more than one occasion now.

Then, moving forward to this week, I've yet to be informed if I'm going to be working at all this week or not, which is making me exceptionally anxious as my two paychecks that I've gotten so far have only been in and around $300. Money is so unbelievably tight for me right now that I'm not even sure if I'll be able to afford gas to make it into campus next week.

I've got a side gig on Friday that will pull me a few hours, but I only stand to make about $65 from that.

I'm not sure if I should text him to see if I'll have hours or not, from my perspective, he should be the one reaching out about that, as he has in the past, but it's now noon on Tuesday, and I usually have heard about my schedule by Sunday night the latest.

Any help/advice would be amazing.

Thank you all.

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