
Objections to BS return to office arguments?

Maybe we can crowdsource a master list of the best objections to the BS reasons our bosses are giving us to come in person. Would love to hear the reasons your bosses gave you and what you replied. Even better if it worked. I'll go first. My bosses are demanding we work in-person because: “For collaboration” video calls exist… “Because people aren't as productive at home” we've been working remotely, no missed deadlines, equally if not more productive… Bonus secret reason: “Our office space is $25,000/month” Don't lease a building you can't afford! Have you considered skipping the Starbucks and avocado toast?

Maybe we can crowdsource a master list of the best objections to the BS reasons our bosses are giving us to come in person. Would love to hear the reasons your bosses gave you and what you replied. Even better if it worked.

I'll go first. My bosses are demanding we work in-person because:

“For collaboration”

video calls exist…

“Because people aren't as productive at home”

we've been working remotely, no missed deadlines, equally if not more productive…

Bonus secret reason: “Our office space is $25,000/month”

Don't lease a building you can't afford! Have you considered skipping the Starbucks and avocado toast?

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