
Obsessive coworker…

I literally just started this job two weeks ago. This woman (who is 50, I'm 25) has: 1. asked me to lunch and dinner multiple times 2. constantly gossips during our shift 3. used to make me go out for smoke breaks with her to listen to said gossip 4 told me her “landlord” said I look like her daughter 5. Offered me half of her paycheck to work w/ her at her other job 6. Told me she called one of our coworkers a “fucking idiot” to his face because he's a “creeper” 7. Consistently talks shit about literally every single coworker and our boss and now she is upset because I want to work on my own… I contacted the personelle manager and they're paying me for two days off so they can have this talk with her but I am petrified that she's going to lash out…

I literally just started this job two weeks ago.
This woman (who is 50, I'm 25) has:
1. asked me to lunch and dinner multiple times
2. constantly gossips during our shift
3. used to make me go out for smoke breaks with her to listen to said gossip
4 told me her “landlord” said I look like her daughter
5. Offered me half of her paycheck to work w/ her at her other job
6. Told me she called one of our coworkers a “fucking idiot” to his face because he's a “creeper”
7. Consistently talks shit about literally every single coworker and our boss

and now she is upset because I want to work on my own… I contacted the personelle manager and they're paying me for two days off so they can have this talk with her but I am petrified that she's going to lash out at me via text or call. She knows where I live because I got a ride in from her once and I'm right around the corner from her. I'm actually debating on buying a camera for security.

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