
Odd Question

I applied for a job with a legitimate, professional organization. I got a email from the supervisor, not offering an interview date or anything else but a single question: We see you are in (our area) what brought you south? I’ve got nearly 20 years in this field, I am well qualified. I’m from the northeast US, I’m new to the south. It’s not a bad question, my accent gives me away and I will answer that in person. It just strikes me as odd that’s the only question. Part of me wants to say I’ll be happy to answer as part of my interview, when do you want to meet? The other part says bless your heart but I’m not answering and thanks for thinking about me. Thoughts?

I applied for a job with a legitimate, professional organization.

I got a email from the supervisor, not offering an interview date or anything else but a single question:

We see you are in (our area) what brought you south?

I’ve got nearly 20 years in this field, I am well qualified.

I’m from the northeast US, I’m new to the south. It’s not a bad question, my accent gives me away and I will answer that in person.

It just strikes me as odd that’s the only question.

Part of me wants to say I’ll be happy to answer as part of my interview, when do you want to meet?

The other part says bless your heart but I’m not answering and thanks for thinking about me.


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