
Of Tea and Harbors

Anybody else ready to get back to throwing tea into harbors? ​ I understand that arguably we have 'representation' in the US government… but… we don't. We cannot continue to exist in this nature… and I know I'm preaching to the choir here. We can't afford housing. We can't afford food. We can't afford gas. We literally can't fucking afford to live in any respectable manner comparable to our peers the world over– and that isn't to discount our overseas counterparts ALSO suffering. I mean, look at this article from the Guardian today (or I guess, yesterday now in much of the world) saying it in no minced terms… At some point, push has got to fucking come to shove. I'm about to go grab some tea. (sry to our tea drinking friends… its nothing personal)

Anybody else ready to get back to throwing tea into harbors?

I understand that arguably we have 'representation' in the US government… but… we don't.

We cannot continue to exist in this nature… and I know I'm preaching to the choir here. We can't afford housing. We can't afford food. We can't afford gas. We literally can't fucking afford to live in any respectable manner comparable to our peers the world over– and that isn't to discount our overseas counterparts ALSO suffering.

I mean, look at this article from the Guardian today (or I guess, yesterday now in much of the world) saying it in no minced terms…

At some point, push has got to fucking come to shove.

I'm about to go grab some tea. (sry to our tea drinking friends… its nothing personal)

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