
Offered a promotion without a raise

So I don’t work here anymore, but I used to work in retail when I was in college and then for a bit after. Due to my sales success, I quickly got promoted to store manager. After a little while I realized this shit was not for me and retail was killing my soul. I put in my 2 week notice and very quickly received a meeting request from the retail director for all stores in our state. He asked me “what can I do to make you stay?”. My response was the only thing that would keep me was more money. His response still floors me to this day. He said “sure, we could do that, but you’re thinking too short term. What if we made you head of the district and all stores within it?”. This initially sounded like a good opportunity but when I asked what the…

So I don’t work here anymore, but I used to work in retail when I was in college and then for a bit after. Due to my sales success, I quickly got promoted to store manager. After a little while I realized this shit was not for me and retail was killing my soul. I put in my 2 week notice and very quickly received a meeting request from the retail director for all stores in our state. He asked me “what can I do to make you stay?”. My response was the only thing that would keep me was more money. His response still floors me to this day. He said “sure, we could do that, but you’re thinking too short term. What if we made you head of the district and all stores within it?”. This initially sounded like a good opportunity but when I asked what the pay looked like, he informed me that I wouldn’t get a pay increase but would have more “flexibility”…. Like wtf? 10x the responsibility but no increase in pay? HAHA I quickly turned it down and let him know if I’m not getting paid more, my resignation is still in effect and then left. He called me that night offering me a little more money (a fraction of what I asked and what I knew I was worth). I once again declined. I found out that shortly after I left, the stores I was in charge of had their sales tank and the director quickly got fired. I still think of this fondly, like how stupid do you think your employees actually are?

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