
Offered the head IT job at my work … kinda..

So 2 weeks ago via group message from HRa plus company owners. I get included into text saying I’m being ask to take on the lead IT role at my work. I’m pretty hyped then they said without even asking me anything that they were going to look elsewhere. I already knew it was because I bang out work at my current job and I do the work of about 5-6 people because for some reason people don’t understand how to do internet stuff but anyways. Today 1 week later the owner walks up to me and says so your starting training Monday doing tech. I’m like cool but you guys kinda left me hanging and then ghosted me. He said it was because he likes the way I work my current job. And I would be hard to replace. Cool I get it. Then he also lets me know…

So 2 weeks ago via group message from HRa plus company owners. I get included into text saying I’m being ask to take on the lead IT role at my work. I’m pretty hyped then they said without even asking me anything that they were going to look elsewhere.

I already knew it was because I bang out work at my current job and I do the work of about 5-6 people because for some reason people don’t understand how to do internet stuff but anyways. Today 1 week later the owner walks up to me and says so your starting training Monday doing tech. I’m like cool but you guys kinda left me hanging and then ghosted me. He said it was because he likes the way I work my current job. And I would be hard to replace. Cool I get it. Then he also lets me know I’ll be doing my current job plus tech.

We have 30 locations, 100’s of employees, Many different types of services, providers, cellular, internet, servers, equipment, cameras. It’s a-lot.

The guy doing the job currently makes like 72k and doesn’t have todo anything but tech. He also has a company car and a gas card. All things I don’t have and he makes way more then I do.

I only took the job because it was mindless and easy to me. Now try are trying to make me do twice the work which is not even possible. And probably won’t offer me the same pay. If I don’t do it they will be pissed and probably push me out of the company. If I do it I’m getting taken advantage of.

Fuck work I’m ready to start flipping btc again.

Just really a rant. Sorry it was so long. Hope everyone has a good day!

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