
Office work literally harms health

I work in an office job and the more I think about it, the more I think it harms your health over time. E.g., from your posture at the desk to sitting down for prolonged periods of time so you’re not being active. I’m taking a stand against this by making some adjustments. E.g., walking during my 1-hour lunch breaks, which I take no matter what; regular breaks away from the desk, leaving early on Fridays, starting later on Mondays, leaving between 5-6pm unless there are exceptional circumstances etc. Health is so much more important than being chained to your desk 9-5. It’s not like you’ll be rewarded for it. I’m no longer stressed about making to meetings on time. If I’m late, I’m late. My walk to work is more important. Anyone else relate?

I work in an office job and the more I think about it, the more I think it harms your health over time. E.g., from your posture at the desk to sitting down for prolonged periods of time so you’re not being active.

I’m taking a stand against this by making some adjustments. E.g., walking during my 1-hour lunch breaks, which I take no matter what; regular breaks away from the desk, leaving early on Fridays, starting later on Mondays, leaving between 5-6pm unless there are exceptional circumstances etc.

Health is so much more important than being chained to your desk 9-5. It’s not like you’ll be rewarded for it.

I’m no longer stressed about making to meetings on time. If I’m late, I’m late. My walk to work is more important.

Anyone else relate?

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