
Ok, theres a general strike, what are your demands!

If you require uniforms for any employee, you must provide one uniform for every day they are scheduled to work during the week, at no cost to the employee. If you do not provide break-time meals for your employees at no cost to them, then you cannot require them to remain on-premises for their meal periods, or require them to purchase your meals, or restrict their ability to provide their own meals during break periods. You may not round up or down, an employees punch in times, they must be paid for all time. If you require an employee to prepare tools, organize work areas, set up equipment or computers, or otherwise prepare materials or areas to begin working, they must be paid for that time. Salaried employees get overtime pay for anything over 40 hours. No split shifts, if you schedule an employee to work on a day, overtime…

  1. If you require uniforms for any employee, you must provide one uniform for every day they are scheduled to work during the week, at no cost to the employee.
  2. If you do not provide break-time meals for your employees at no cost to them, then you cannot require them to remain on-premises for their meal periods, or require them to purchase your meals, or restrict their ability to provide their own meals during break periods.
  3. You may not round up or down, an employees punch in times, they must be paid for all time.
  4. If you require an employee to prepare tools, organize work areas, set up equipment or computers, or otherwise prepare materials or areas to begin working, they must be paid for that time.
  5. Salaried employees get overtime pay for anything over 40 hours.
  6. No split shifts, if you schedule an employee to work on a day, overtime calculation begins 8 hours and 45 minutes after their initial scheduled start time, regardless of time on task or working hours during that period. The employee must be paid overtime for and hours worked that expend beyond the 8 hour and 45 minute window.
  7. Payroll distribution must be at no cost at all to the employee, whether via check, direct deposit, using debit cards, prepaid cards, or any other form of currency. The employer or its designated vendors cannot supply payment in any way that requires a charge born by the employee, no maintenance fees, access charges, latency/dormancy fees, atm fees/charges, or otherwise. It is the employers responsibility to endure that the employee has free and unfettered access to their pay.
  8. Health insurance to be uncoupled from employment. Super complex issue i know.
  9. Each corporate board must include one front-line employee, paid in line with any other board members, to serve as a fiduciary, and vote based on the employees views and report back to the employees regularly.
  10. Each employee must receive company stock, if publicly or privately offered, equal to the value of 1% (starting point for this discussion) of their annualized salary or pay, at no cost to the employee. This grants them all rights and privileges associated with that stock ownership.
  11. Corporate boards, ownership, management, executives, and supervisors are wholly, severally, and jointly responsible for any wrong-doing, civilly or criminally, committed by the company whether by its negligence, intent, action, or inaction, and shall be considered equally responsible in terms of punishment or restitution.
  12. Any monies, stock, equipment, time, efforts, employee time, capabilities, or donations in kind made from the company must be disclosed as part of any annual reporting, noting any amounts in full, and the destination of the funds.
  13. A corporation can never pay less than zero tax, and their tax obligation can never fall below 20% of annual revenue (up for discussion, but working towards a minimum tax).

Your turn, what are your demands?

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