
Okay, so what are our options?

I've been following this sub off and on for a long time. I've been researching various career fields. Finding personal reviews, opinions, anecdotes. Some people are lucky, and speak highly of a certain field. Yet, unequivocally, further research into that field reveals the truth that, for the majority, pretty much everything sucks and it's a whole lot of luck. I was expecting this sub to have actual helpful info, not just be a vent sub for every disgruntled worker. Which is fine, but does anyone know of a place like that? Info on careers that are more likely to treat you better, advice and tips on how to read company websites/reviews/job posts/interview behavior to help you read between the lines on if they're actually shit or not. Info on companies that actually identify them and aren't unhelpfully vague, info on how to conduct yourself at your shit job/potentially shit career…

I've been following this sub off and on for a long time. I've been researching various career fields. Finding personal reviews, opinions, anecdotes. Some people are lucky, and speak highly of a certain field. Yet, unequivocally, further research into that field reveals the truth that, for the majority, pretty much everything sucks and it's a whole lot of luck.

I was expecting this sub to have actual helpful info, not just be a vent sub for every disgruntled worker. Which is fine, but does anyone know of a place like that? Info on careers that are more likely to treat you better, advice and tips on how to read company websites/reviews/job posts/interview behavior to help you read between the lines on if they're actually shit or not. Info on companies that actually identify them and aren't unhelpfully vague, info on how to conduct yourself at your shit job/potentially shit career to help prevent that from happening?? maybe info on different countries that might fare better for you.

Investment advice, retirement advice, most people just say to invest in a 401k without acknowledging the fact that a large portion of retirees are stressed about running out of money due to the shit economy, and have no helpful actionable advice on how to actually invest enough without throwing 50 years of your life away at a shit job because they're so hard to avoid, and identifying good ones is so difficult, especially while being unfamiliar with how to navigate constant job hopping with how much that's looked down upon.

People here seem to speak against the FI/RE movement, without actually having a clear reason why, or any actionable advice to an alternative, or how to avoid whatever vague pitfall they see in FI/RE, or how to have a more realistic approach to it, or even how FI/RE is unrealistic to begin with without being unhelpfully vague.

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