
“On call”

Supervisor implemented a new on call schedule. I'm out of pto for the year basically bc of my vacation ( i took one week off in january and another is scheduledfor later this year) and I missed some time from work because my sister had a baby and needed someone to watch her child who was home sick from school. So I've planned all my social calendar for when I'm off. (Aka the weekends) now I'm supposed to be on call.. I'll probably have to work every holiday through the end of the year and now my job gets to dictate what I do when I'm scheduled to be off? No compensation for being on call mind you.. only if I actually get called in. But I'm so fed up. This job rules my life Monday through Friday.. why does it have to come between me and my weekends too?…

Supervisor implemented a new on call schedule. I'm out of pto for the year basically bc of my vacation ( i took one week off in january and another is scheduledfor later this year) and I missed some time from work because my sister had a baby and needed someone to watch her child who was home sick from school. So I've planned all my social calendar for when I'm off. (Aka the weekends) now I'm supposed to be on call.. I'll probably have to work every holiday through the end of the year and now my job gets to dictate what I do when I'm scheduled to be off? No compensation for being on call mind you.. only if I actually get called in. But I'm so fed up. This job rules my life Monday through Friday.. why does it have to come between me and my weekends too?

I dont even know if complaining on here is worth it but I'm just so fed up.

I can understand being on call if your a doctor or something but I signed up for monday-friday 8:30-5

Am I being totally unreasonable?

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