
One day left to take a job offer- any advice?

I have been a Director for a not-for-profit organization for less than a year. I moved to this province to be with my partner (who works in the health industry) and quickly got the job after I arrived. The position is relatively underpaid and has no benefits, and the organization struggled for four months to fill the vacancy. They were happy to have me join, and the board and the staff are all very happy with me. At first, I received a mess of an organization, despite it being a very reputable one, and I have been overworking ever since I took the job to try to organize it. This has involved renegotiating contracts, hiring new staff to build capacity, improving the office, addressing HR issues, planning events, creating new partnerships… you name it. A few months ago, I applied for two remote jobs with another not-for-profit, a directive and…

I have been a Director for a not-for-profit organization for less than a year. I moved to this province to be with my partner (who works in the health industry) and quickly got the job after I arrived. The position is relatively underpaid and has no benefits, and the organization struggled for four months to fill the vacancy. They were happy to have me join, and the board and the staff are all very happy with me. At first, I received a mess of an organization, despite it being a very reputable one, and I have been overworking ever since I took the job to try to organize it. This has involved renegotiating contracts, hiring new staff to build capacity, improving the office, addressing HR issues, planning events, creating new partnerships… you name it.

A few months ago, I applied for two remote jobs with another not-for-profit, a directive and a manager role. I hoped to be offered the directive role, which would have been a considerable pay increase (30%+). After months of the hiring process, I was offered the manager position (15% increase). The salary is higher than my current role. It comes with better benefits, fewer responsibilities, and a better-structured organization. However, it would involve moving to a province I used to live in sometime in the next six months. My partner is hesitant to move as it is more challenging for him to relocate. Not only is he comfortable in his position in the city where we live, has created a strong community and is set for life (he makes significantly more money than I do, +x3 my salary). However, when I started applying for jobs (for my own mental health and professional growth ), he said he'd be open to relocation (and has been thinking about it for a while. He said he just needed an incentive). I’m very torn. I don't want my decision to affect our relationship (which couldn't be better), and I understand his hesitancy since his income (and, thus, our combined income) will be affected during the transition. We have talked about it several times, and he said he trusts my decision (I'm not going to lie, as someone who makes decisions every day for a living, I rather not have to make this one, as I don't want to be the one carrying the blame if we fuck up the transition). However, there are plenty of benefits of moving to the new province, including warmer weather, more social opportunities, proximity to family, etc. Still, all those factors seem rather unimportant compared to my mental health. The biggest con is a higher cost of living, which is not completely covered by my increase in wage and affected by my partner’s change of pay rate, at least at the beginning. That being said, we can afford it as a unit.

I have to decide and let the new employer know by the end of the day today. What do I do? I've never been so undecided, and if it was just up to me, is probably would just take the job.

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