
One of my coworkers got fired today for b.s. reasons

So I work for a small business in a fairly wealthy area. And my workplace has had a hard time, given that quite a few people have either quit or have been let go. All of them were high schoolers who frankly didn't need a job (they live in the area I work in). And the people fired until now were let go for actual reasons such as being late or having an inconsistent schedule. But today, one of my favorite coworkers revealed to me, crying, that she was fired for “not picking up the job fast enough…” before walking out. I wanted to SCREAM for a plethora of reasons! No shit she hasn't pick up the job fast enough! She hasn't had the time!!! She's been stuck doing essentially just back of house shit from the get-go! We have been consistently understaffed for *months* now! And not to mention…

So I work for a small business in a fairly wealthy area. And my workplace has had a hard time, given that quite a few people have either quit or have been let go.

All of them were high schoolers who frankly didn't need a job (they live in the area I work in). And the people fired until now were let go for actual reasons such as being late or having an inconsistent schedule.

But today, one of my favorite coworkers revealed to me, crying, that she was fired for “not picking up the job fast enough…” before walking out. I wanted to SCREAM for a plethora of reasons!

No shit she hasn't pick up the job fast enough! She hasn't had the time!!! She's been stuck doing essentially just back of house shit from the get-go! We have been consistently understaffed for *months* now! And not to mention the Valentine's Day season booking us to the brim and then some!

When I started, there was one or more people training me at all times!!! Nobody let me out of their sight! This was not the case with my coworker or anybody trained after me, actually!

She tried her damndest every day despite barely getting to work on the floor! She was kind and likeable! She actually understood the ins and outs of everything! But it wasn't enough!

I nearly cried when I saw her walk out because that will likely be the last time I see her, sad and hopeless. She is such a happy-go-lucky person. I really hope she knows she is worth more than a fucking job.

And ISTG if my boss complains about being understaffed ONE MORE TIME, I am handing in my resignation letter!!!

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