
Only got half my paycheck

Just need to vent. My birthday was last week on the 14th. I ended up accruing around 30 hours of PTO by the time it rolled around so i requested off the entire week except for friday and went to go see my sister a few hours away. I realized on Monday i had forgotten to submit my timecard. Since i was out of town i didn’t have access to my work computer and couldn’t submit it (i WFH). So i texted my boss and asked her to submit it for me. She agreed. I got back home Thursday and logged in that night to see she hadn’t submitted it. Cue panic. At this point it was too late bc the payroll cutoff was on Monday. So i got paid, and it was only half of my check. I just need some validation about how fucked up this is. I…

Just need to vent.

My birthday was last week on the 14th. I ended up accruing around 30 hours of PTO by the time it rolled around so i requested off the entire week except for friday and went to go see my sister a few hours away.

I realized on Monday i had forgotten to submit my timecard. Since i was out of town i didn’t have access to my work computer and couldn’t submit it (i WFH). So i texted my boss and asked her to submit it for me. She agreed. I got back home Thursday and logged in that night to see she hadn’t submitted it. Cue panic. At this point it was too late bc the payroll cutoff was on Monday. So i got paid, and it was only half of my check.

I just need some validation about how fucked up this is. I took the whole week off cause im struggling very bad mentally and i needed a break. Now i feel like im being punished for it. I know its partially my fault but i tried to communicate to my boss and her forgetting to submit it for me when she agreed to help just fucking sucks so much. I literally cant afford this.

I already live paycheck to paycheck. Its just me and my 3 year old. I make “too much” to qualify for any kind of help, and i co parent so i get 0 child support. I had to pay some overdue bills and got groceries with my measley $450. Im now negative $11 and this is supposed to last me until the 1st when we get paid again. Lol.

When i asked my boss if there’s anything they could do she said she “wasnt sure how it worked” and told me to submit an HR ticket. We no longer have a direct # to HR so this is my only option. Also tried to email them with no luck. They will not respond.

I just dont understand how i am working full time making $20 an hour and struggling this badly. And now this. Everything is fucked. I need a hug.

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