
Outdated package processing system causing unnecessary stress

I work as a student worker at a university through the engineering department. We often get a lot of packages for students and faculty. We get about 10-40 packages a day. My job role is the front desk and I’m responsible for processing packages. The problem is that our system is done on paper. The fiscal staff emails us paperwork that lists the person’s name which is the recipient of the package. The name on the package does not list the recipient, but it has the name of the fiscal staff since it is ordered through the department. We are given a part order number on the paperwork which is our reference to finding the package associated with it. We have to look through the label and packing slip for the PO number to match the paperwork. It’s our only way of figuring out who the order goes to. The…

I work as a student worker at a university through the engineering department. We often get a lot of packages for students and faculty. We get about 10-40 packages a day. My job role is the front desk and I’m responsible for processing packages.

The problem is that our system is done on paper. The fiscal staff emails us paperwork that lists the person’s name which is the recipient of the package. The name on the package does not list the recipient, but it has the name of the fiscal staff since it is ordered through the department.

We are given a part order number on the paperwork which is our reference to finding the package associated with it. We have to look through the label and packing slip for the PO number to match the paperwork. It’s our only way of figuring out who the order goes to. The fiscal staff usually emails us the paperwork and we’re responsible for printing it out and stacking it into a pile.

Everyday, I have to flip through a pile of paperwork to find the matching PO number. However, a lot of the times they don’t even send us the paperwork on time before the package arrives. It leads me to go digging for it through the stack of paperwork because I don’t know if the fiscal staff sent me the paperwork or it has not been sent. It’s frustrating because I’m responsible for figuring everything on my own. I have to email the fiscal staff to send in the paperwork which often takes hours.

This process is so tedious because sometimes packages don’t have PO numbers and I have to constantly email and look for the paperwork through the emails. If I not find it then I can’t process the package since I don’t know who to send it to.

Next, I have to go through each individual package to make sure that everything in the package matches paperwork. I log what is missing and what has arrived. Then I log it into a sign out sheet which is a binder on a clipboard. This gives confirmation to the front desk that the student picked up the package.

It’s really annoying because the sign out sheet is in the mailroom next to the front desk. I have to process packages on the table next to the computer. The sign out sheet must stay in the mailroom unless I am processing a package. I have to move the sign out sheet back and forth because packages are delivered throughout the day. I’m constantly stepping away from the front desk which is not good. Students also have to use the sign out sheet to confirm their pickup. They’re always confused on where I put the sheet because if I’m processing packages, they have to go into my work station to sign their name. This is a problem because I’m still recording everything onto the sheet.

It’s so stressful because I am responsible for everything. The fiscal staff is slow because there’s only 2 people working as part of the department. When I need something, it takes a long time to get a response. Also, I don’t know who allows them to work from home because it’s difficult to get the answers I need when I have to constantly email back and forth.

Everything can be done digitally and it would make the quality of work better. It feel like I have to do all this tedious work for no reason. I’m always jumping through hurdles when simply it’s a package that I need to process, not rocket science. It never flows smoothly. I think it’s part of the inefficient system and not being digital. If all the paperwork is put into a system where I can just search for it myself, then there would be no problem. The sign out sheet could be put into a excel spreadsheet so that I have access to it and the students have access to sign their names.

I’ve talk to the fiscal team and manger about it, but they refuse to change it. I’m not sure why they refuse to do it. They want the old fashioned way of doing it on paper, but it causes so many problem. The department has so much spending money, but they don’t do anything to fix the system. There’s a risk of a lost packages and missing packages because of it. These packages are very expensive. They range from hundreds to thousands of dollars since it’s for engineering. The way that they want us to handle the packages is not secure since anyone can go pick up the packages without ID. I don’t want to be responsible for a package. If it were up to me, I would want a more secure system.

It’s not like I have hours to process these packages. I have many responsibilities as a front desk worker. I have to respond to emails, room reservations, answer students, phone calls, etc.

I don’t get paid enough for all of this since I’m considered a minimum wage worker to the university. The job in general is a lot, but I feel this is the biggest issue. The department is supportive, but not when it comes to this.

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