
Overencumbered rambling (need advise)

My boss / manager is Great, she is a very sweet woman who does seem to care about her employees. She'll host lunches, celebrate birthdays, etc… but even i'm aware that the owners put her under the pump at times with how things get mismanaged and with a very high turnover rate. Ive heard her say things that in her 10years of working with them, she wanted to quit last year. In terms of my work, she has been very accommodating. Had an injury first day back after holidays this year and she's recommending all this stuff for me, checking on me. Telling me to make sure i take breaks (something i don't like doing). She's also allowed me to be very flexible in where i work in the factory and giving me opportunities when i ask. My team leader is also very much a fighter for the people, while…

My boss / manager is Great, she is a very sweet woman who does seem to care about her employees. She'll host lunches, celebrate birthdays, etc… but even i'm aware that the owners put her under the pump at times with how things get mismanaged and with a very high turnover rate. Ive heard her say things that in her 10years of working with them, she wanted to quit last year. In terms of my work, she has been very accommodating. Had an injury first day back after holidays this year and she's recommending all this stuff for me, checking on me. Telling me to make sure i take breaks (something i don't like doing). She's also allowed me to be very flexible in where i work in the factory and giving me opportunities when i ask. My team leader is also very much a fighter for the people, while obviously looking out for himself to. These aren't the easiest of times for a lot of people in the world so it is very understandable, and turns out him and I have probably met before many years ago through a mutual at a party through my parents, though i would have been around 13 years old, where as he is 30 years older. Great guy, we share a fair amount of interests outside of my main hobbies which is great. Music, cars, etc..

I have moved from assembling items that are to be fitted in the factory, to sort of supervising a section of a warehouse, and still do in a way. To now working in dispatch / returns. Processing invoices, emails, computer work but still physical as well. I am technologically savvy, so working with a computer isnt a problem for me in itself. Been doing the desk job for q couple months now with occasional mentoring due to complications my colleague / mentor is having in personal life.

I am greatful to have been given these opportunities and choices to stand up and say i want to do this please give me a shot. Generally they have been happy. When i come from no one wanting to hire me, to this. I am proud.

BUT the owners do not like the idea of increasing our pay at the moment, not only that. Because i have all this experience, and low staff, i am still asked to work in those other two locations.

Today was a breaking point for me. The other person i work with at the desks has been on leave for a week, and will be on leave this week as well for personal matters.

So i am in dispatch alone while i was sick all of last week, going home 2 hours early because i overexcerted myself on tuesday. Hardly any energy wednesday, overexerted again thursday and did as much as i could to push through friday.

trying to do invoices, fulfilling orders, responding to emails, checking stock for that section of the warehouse when the only other person workin in the section cant do it that day, claiming returns / emailing suppliers, moving stock around. All While nauseated, headache, troubled breathing, fatigued( did covid tests, wasn't covid) and still somewhat sick today over a week later.

The person in that part of the warehouse i used to work with wasn't there today. We need someone there to fulfill orders to keep production going. So now i am behind in dispatch to do his job today, part of moving from it was cause of an injury, so now my leg is throbbing in pain and i cant sleep either, and will be in pain for the next couple days at least.

I want to hit my head against a brick wall.
I don't know what to do. Its affecting my social life very poorly which is a whole other thing. I appreciate everything the managers have helped me with, and the one i work with closely has told me many times that i am important, she wants to help me through the injury and help with my recovery. Help me progress and make it cause i am young (24m) I am underselling what she has said to me because this is already long as it is. But with the ownership and general mismanagement in areas. I want to leave after today. Because no one else is willing to learn how to pick stock in that warehouse, ive fallen well behind at the desk job. So its going to be more overexertion tomorrow.. i don't know if i can do it.

I want to leave. Even with everything the managers have given me. Without a raise, with the place being understaffed to where i am now behind to keep the factory production running.. im still somewhat new at the desk job as well. I'm still learning. With some things being unique, i don't know what im supposed to do as its a first time for it, or how to handle things appropriately as its my first time at a desk / hybrid job in general. Its been very stressful on me physically and mentally over the week because of an unfortunate timing of my illness and injury, as well as understaffed.

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