
Overqualified, but still not good enough… WTF

So I have a degree in what many consider an “impressive” area. I have worked in tech, sales, and I write well enough that my resume/cover letter looks and sounds pretty great (thanks AP classes)… but because I’ve been often overlooked in these jobs for advancement or training—YES, GENDER AND RACIAL BIAS ARE VERY REAL IF YOU NEED TO BE REMINDED OR LIVE IN A FANTASY LAND—I feel as if I don’t have the hard skills to apply for jobs that reflect my degree and capabilities. On the other side of that coin, when trying to apply for “lower level” jobs, I’m told I need to “tailor” my resume to that job. WHY?! If I have the degree, worked in management, been in customer facing roles, have specialty training, then what in the hell makes you think I can’t be a goddam flight attendant??! I was referred to and applied…

So I have a degree in what many consider an “impressive” area. I have worked in tech, sales, and I write well enough that my resume/cover letter looks and sounds pretty great (thanks AP classes)… but because I’ve been often overlooked in these jobs for advancement or training—YES, GENDER AND RACIAL BIAS ARE VERY REAL IF YOU NEED TO BE REMINDED OR LIVE IN A FANTASY LAND—I feel as if I don’t have the hard skills to apply for jobs that reflect my degree and capabilities.

On the other side of that coin, when trying to apply for “lower level” jobs, I’m told I need to “tailor” my resume to that job. WHY?! If I have the degree, worked in management, been in customer facing roles, have specialty training, then what in the hell makes you think I can’t be a goddam flight attendant??!

I was referred to and applied for an office job and I was told that due to my resume/qualifications that I wasn’t a good fit because I would “get bored” with the tasks and duties of the job.. what kind of childish shit is that? Why would I get bored of paying my bills and putting food in the fridge?? How can you negatively assess my potential performance because I put in the effort to AT LEAST be a viable applicant for the position?

At this point I may as well scrap the whole damn resume and apply for a job at the mall folding t-shirts. W.T.F.

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