
Owner of my job talked about firing me to a coworker

I've been in a super toxic work environment lately. We all had our hours reduced immediately with 1 days notice due to the owner of the dog daycare freaking out about lost revenue. She owns 2 daycares in the area. So obviously everyone is shocked and we weren't given any heads up. Then we found out the owner had not figured out a plan for how we are going to get hours or if there will be layoffs. It's been a week since we were supposed to have a team meeting. Today I found out a coworker overheard my owner of the daycare saying she wants to fire me and someone else who were openly questioning what the plan was and our concerns about dog safety with our staff numbers being reduced. Apparently she was super angry and told a coworker who's still a minor!!! So just casually bringing it…

I've been in a super toxic work environment lately. We all had our hours reduced immediately with 1 days notice due to the owner of the dog daycare freaking out about lost revenue. She owns 2 daycares in the area.

So obviously everyone is shocked and we weren't given any heads up. Then we found out the owner had not figured out a plan for how we are going to get hours or if there will be layoffs.

It's been a week since we were supposed to have a team meeting.

Today I found out a coworker overheard my owner of the daycare saying she wants to fire me and someone else who were openly questioning what the plan was and our concerns about dog safety with our staff numbers being reduced.

Apparently she was super angry and told a coworker who's still a minor!!! So just casually bringing it up. Someone else overheard

This same teenager has tried to get me in trouble before with my manager but the manager likes me and defended me.

I called the labor dept she legally can hire and fire at will and doesn't need a legit reason. So now I'm in her crosshairs, a coworker who backstabs people knows this and I'm supposed to keep working and act like it's fine.

My manager spoke with her and I'm not going to be fired….yet…cause I didn't do anything wrong. I'm broke and in debt so can't leave until I find a sold replacement job.

I'm so upset and bummed as I genuinely loved my dogs and coworkers and tried really hard at this job. I had a raise denied a month before any of this happened. I feel so damn discouraged.

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