Since the world is on fire, I've been desperately trying to find another, higher paying job. I have a very extensive resume that includes managerial work and I have a college degree. Means absolutely nothing now, but hey. My current job is a set schedule (always), good health/dental/vision, and I am now contributing to a retirement plan. I have optional overtime. I don't have children and a retirement plan is one of the only chances I have at a semi-stable future in my old age. The pay is garbage. I only make $11. I finally got a job offer with a company I've wanted to work for and it would be a minimum $5 pay increase plus additional, fancy benefits. Found out today, before my interview, they don't ever hire in at full time. Most people have to wait years to receive full time. Some weeks are 20 hours and…
Seems Like Something Is Going On Maybe.
This is how celeb charity appeals work.
From a former manager to current ones.
I wanted to write a post based on my observations going from management to regular sales associate. First things first, your employees will never work as hard as you. Since I took my demotion I came to a realization. I do not care about your lack of scheduling, how your sales aren’t increasing or what new mission statement the company has. I do not get paid enough to care about it. 2nd If you truly want people to succeed and be there for you then LISTEN TO THEM! An employee making $15 hr will not feel listened too if you just pretend to care and listen. Lastly take care of your team! Stand up for them no matter what. I know this is just a small bit and there are other issues, but overall I just wanted to give my 2 cents.
Just started a new job back at an old employer I worked for until 2021 this week and realizing I've made a terrible mistake. I haven't been able to find true peace with any job since my first job out of my masters program in 2015/2016. In 2017, I got laid off but then was “promoted” to their HQ in Chicago, which was an amazing opportunity at that point in my career but turned out to be one of the worst mistakes of my life. I moved 3,000 miles by myself for that job to be abused daily to the point where I almost died multiple times due to both my destroyed mental and physical health. I moved home after a year and spent 10 months in 2018 unemployed and living with my parents. I finally found a job way below my skills/experience that I accepted out of desperation but…
Long story short – I approached the head of logistics at my workplace and asked if there was an opening where I can make a profile switch? To which he responds that “You have to be aggressive and rough in logistics in order to get things done and you're too soft for this right now” Not sure if he meant soft spoken or something else. To give a background, I work in procurement and I am stereotyped as a polished professional who does not negotiate hard or aggressively to bring costs down. Which may have resulted in this perception.
“TLDR: Boss forces us to work late to try to meet a new deadline, then doesn’t pay us, then continues to BS us until I tell him it’s illegal. Then he ghosts me, refuses letter of termination for Unemployment, I report to DoL, they get nothing, I get nothing, company no longer exists 6 months after I left.” My boss was my friend. Like a little brother to me. We worked together bootstrapping a company. I ran the business, he chased investors and maintained existing ones. After we lost some major investors (to death) we kept pushing, and he didn’t disclose how bad their loss was. A few months later, we had a big push and campaign and product launch that we were asked to work overtime and crunch and rush through. We all did this for a week before we knew we couldn’t feasibly reach the deadline and launching…
Retail: My boss has been harassing me and retaliating against me since he came to my store back in November. To understand how dumb he is, he once yelled at me calling me stupid for the way I answer my cellphone. I was raised to always answer the phone saying “Good morning, this is (last name of household)” back before caller-ID was a thing. To this day, I still politely answer my phone like that. He freaked out on me saying “I know who the hell you are, that's why I'm calling you. So when you're at home and answer your cellphone, you NEED to say 'hey, what's up man?' instead of that stupid XXXX!” He recently lied to HR about my Jury Duty back in February to get me fired for “time theft”. He changed my schedule to have the 2 days of jury duty off, refused to change…