
GM lowered my review by 16%

So my annual review came up this month. I am an over achiever and am paid fairly well (Obviously they could afford to pay me more.) I work for a big name company in HVAC and restaurant ventilation systems. My supervisor gave me a 47/50. 10 questions, each worth 5 points. The way it works is, your supervisor does your review. Then they turn it into the GM. The GM then changes whatever he wants. The higher score your supervisor gives you; the more the GM over analyzes it into the ground. The GM gave it back with white out all over it and changed it to a 39. I refused to sign the “I have read this and acknowledge it has no regards on whether or not I agree with the above.” I am in Florida and I know we have -2 workers rights. The points do dictate your…


Boss pretty much DEMANDING I work overtime, But “there’s no pressure.”

So this morning I got a text from my Boss (I was on my break btw ) saying she's “putting the schedule together”(which makes absolutely NO sense since the people that work for this company have a set schedule that NEVER changes..) and asked if I'd like to work on my day off tomorrow. I politely declined, telling her about appointments I had already made for tomorrow. She replied “okay just let me know if you ever want overtime!” I replied “okay.” NOT TWO MINUTES LATER, another text from her “looking ahead to the next holiday you're working, which is July 4th, would you like to come in on insert day off for some extra money? I AGAIN REPLIED NO THANK YOU, BUSY THAT WEEKEND.. I thought that might get her to take the hint. HUGE surprise; it didn't. I walked in from my break 15 minutes later, ran into…


She’s got 20 million reasons to be fine people…


I was fired by someone who had been there 3 weeks.

4 months into my 6 month probation I got a new manager who instantly seemed like she didn't like me. 4 weeks later (today) she sits me down and says that she's terminating my position at the company early, that there was no point in trying to improve or give warning because I just wasn't a good fit for her team. I asked for details and she could say nothing specific, her comments were vague and things that I knew related to the rest of the team too. The entire time she was smirking. She took my work phone and laptop out of my hands, and escorted me out of the building like I was a threat. When I asked if I was allowed to say goodbye to the team, hand over my notes, she said “no, you can contact them on your own time”. I don't mind losing this…


Today nearly 120 @Google & @Accenture workers behind #GoogleHelp have announced their union with @AlphabetWorkers . “What we really want is longevity in the job, and more respect and autonomy from Google.”


How my boss treats employees. This person will absolutely be fired.


Work now offers more pto and is mad we use it.

We now get 1 hr of pto a week. Personally I save it for a month accumulate 4 hrs skip lunch on a Friday and go home 4.5 hrs early. A coworker of mine used his to sleep in 1 hr a week to each their own its personal time. Per company policy pto cannot be denied and I can use it at any time as its my time. Well now out plant manager who rarely if ever shows up called an emergency meeting wanting to know why some of use dip early on a Friday with little notice or just sleep in and use our pto. Excuse me what this is company policy and always has been. He threw a fit and brought up a case of how a worker from another shift had an emergency and didn't have any pto so he had to take a point. Bitch…


Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is happening?

I might be beating a dead horse to itty bitty shitty little pieces right now on this sub …but why does it feel impossible to get a job right now? I feel like I’m being gaslighted and my dignity is non existent at this moment. I have 6 years of sales experience and I can’t get a job since being laid off a month ago. It’s disgusting how recruiters have treated me. Forget ego, but seriously saying to me “it’s a tough sell to the hiring managers, but maybe we can consider you for an entry level role” is batshit. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t feel human. I just want to work to sustain myself, save, and use that money to start my own business.


Just quit a job because the owner decided that employees can’t have two weeks vacation (unpaid) until working there for 6 years.

The owner has already taken 6 weeks off this year, so the jerk does understand the value of time away from work, just not for those who make that possible.


Company Financials

I can easily do a search online to see a company's gross revenue, but is there a reliable way to see the breakdown? I'm hoping to get a straightforward look at what a large company's net gains are to better illustrate how underpaid we all are.