teachers deserve better
becoming a teacher is stressful. my undergrad is going to take me 6 years to finish, even with summer classes. ive completed one of the certification modules, four of the certification exams, but still have several more modules/exams to do before i graduate. and then there's field work. in just this one year, i spent 10 hours teaching 4th grade math, 10 hours observing high school special ed, and 180 hours teaching preschool. all unpaid of course. and when i finally finish undergrad, i'll have to start working on getting my masters. this is my passion, and im happy to be getting all the preparation i need to be a great teacher. but it's a lot. and it's hard when i know i wont even be paid a reasonable amount considering my level of education and the importance of my work. i know i'll have to do a lot outside…
My poor dad. He really wants to be a millionaire. We're well-off, middle-class, both my parents are comfortably retired, but I have heard him say literally every day my whole life: “We need to get some money.” Money meaning millions. He's started (failing) businesses to do it. He's really into stocks and crypto right now to do it. And I want him to accomplish his dreams. And he wants us to avoid a 9-5 (yay!)…by becoming self-made millionaires. So he often shows us motivational videos like these. Advice from millionaires and billionaires on how they got their wealth and the right mindsets they have. Last night's was this doozy by Charlie Munger, who says the 5 steps are: 1) Don't have a lot of envy. 2) Don't have a lot of resentment. 3) Be grateful. 4) Don't overspend your income. 5) Surround yourself with reliable people. Man, I had no…
hold your value, draw the line.
When you work hourly for an employer, you are devaluing yourself. When you sign up to work 8 hours, the amount of labor that is expected of you is variable, but not in your favor. Initially you might get 1 job done in an 8 hour day but eventually you get good at your job and you finish the same job in half the time, now your employer wants two jobs done a day. Your selling point was 8 hours, regardless of your productivity, you should of got the rest of the day off and made a profit, now you got twice the workload for the same pay because your employers not gonna let you sit around the rest of the day. If you decide your going to take it easy and limit your productivity, you get replaced by the next desperate person. When you finish a job early you…
Today I asked some people I know if they have also kind of abandoned some of their former childhood dreams, deciding instead it's better to be happy with what you have. A bunch of them responded with stuff like “Well I have an amazing partner, live in a great home, lots of friends, and have a job I love where I don't have to worry about anything financial.” Meanwhile I was more speaking about what I want someday, because right now…I literally can't pay my bills this week without help from my boyfriend. I told someone that I'm realizing a lot of people are actually doing way better than me and they said: A) Stop comparing yourself to other people. B) If there's something you want to do, go do it. C) No excuses. I know advice like this is coming from a good place, but that just totally annoyed…
If you ask me, it doesn’t matter if you’re the janitor at a Wendy’s, if you’re spending 40 hours of your week there, you should at least be able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment somewhere nearby. Doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be a luxury to own just a 1 bedroom apartment, these should be things people can actually afford on 1 income working full time.
Holy crap I'm at a loss for words. These CEO's spend what? 16 hours as a regular associate and then give some bullshit bonus to 3 people and expect me to feel for them? YOUR BONUS HAS 7 DIGITS. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. What a gross show