Working makes me want to die
I’m 25 and I’m expected to keep this up for the next 50 years? It’s not even the working that bothers me. It’s the forceful nature of it all. And everyone says it’s a choice. Yeah I got 2. Work or die. And I’m working my time on this earth away to fill someone else’s pocket. I can’t afford anything besides the bare necessities. Everyone says “if you don’t like working start your own business.” And it’s like I can barely afford to eat. And you expect me to build a business. I can’t even afford to go to college. I have no skills. What business am I supposed to create? The Fuck? It’s expensive as hell to be poor in this country. Sorry for the rant. I’m just exhausted and currently taking a “bathroom break” at work.
They're still gonna cost you $280 out of pocket, but they're totally included, just trust us! Such a fucking scam.
Anyone else experiencing this frustrating BS? My boss said a 3% raise is what the company can afford “and don’t expect higher raises because of inflation.” I scored a near perfect annual review and still only got a 3% raise. Then shortly after our douche CEO is bragging on our website about record profits in Q1. It’s like, “don’t you guys remember telling me that the company couldn’t afford raises two months ago?” The real reason we are profiting so much is because when the vendor increases prices, we pad the cost in the system to make more margin. We are basically screwing our customers and making it seem like the cost is higher than it actually is. The sales people don’t even know we do that because the cost in the system just looks like that’s the amount we paid for the product. Keep that in mind when you…
Left my glassdoor review. it felt good.
It's amazing to me seeing his perspective on life compared to me. He's 25 in SWE and he makes a months rent in less than a day of work. He eats whatever he wants, goes on trips with his gf, can go, live, and work basically anywhere he wants and is 100% WFH. Funnily enough home buying is still a bit of a task for him, but he is able to buy one. He also wants to become a CEO someday. He wasn't born into extreme wealth or anything, but he did get a full college scholarship. He just works his ass off and it ended up paying off. He still believes student loans should be cancelled btw which says a lot coming from a guy who could fund a degree in 6 months. So yea idk, it's just unreal how much having enough money changes a person's life. Anyone…
This should be an easy decision
For context, my daughter is in her very early 20s, and is in her first full time job. She also has a long list of medical conditions that has delayed her start into college. As of right now, she works part time. So, my daughter works for a corporate sales store, Company X. Company X generally has favorable morale as the line of work attracts a lot of awesome personalities. When she was first hired, all of the managers were awesome except the GM. GM was a typical corporate puppet that only knew how to talk to people in a business setting. In spite of their flaws, they were always fair and rewarded hard work. They didn't have any tyrannical or micromanager traits. So generally, the GM was viewed favorably in a “not bad, could be worse” way. Well, the GM moved stores a few weeks ago. So insert transfer…