Hey, so I wouldn’t say I’m the most experienced when it comes to my resume, but I feel like I’m seeing a growing trend whenever I’m employed. Currently I’m working a part time summer job at a golf course until college starts, and whenever I get scheduled to work it goes along something like this: I try to enjoy my day, but it always ends up with me constantly watching the clock and having this weird feeling in my stomach the closer I get to having to go to work. The feeling I can only describe would be butterflies in my stomach, but not in the excited/anticipation sort of way. I’ll eventually go to work, mill around and do what I have to do for as long as I’m scheduled for, and then leave. It’s not like I wanna blow my brains out whenever I’m working (in fact, this is…
The Schedule Nightmare.
At my current job in Georgia, I have never gotten a schedule more than three days in advance and sometimes I don't know when I'm working tomorrow until halfway through the day. Are there any laws to protect me from this? I just want to be able to plan out a week without getting fired for pestering my managers for my hours/days for the week. Please tell me as much info as you can to help me and my coworkers get fair scheduling.
When will I learn
When will I learn to not answer my phone when I see it's work or my supervisor. This is like the forth time in two weeks someone has called me between 8:30pm and 10pm telling me to come in for a 10pm shift. A purely unnecessary shift I might add because no one is calling and whoever is supposed to be there can let themselves in and out. My co worker just called to say our other co worker called out for her shift and she wants me to come in because she isn't getting the supervisor. Until the supervisor calls (which I won't answer) I'm not getting out of my bed. I have a 6am shift in the morning anyways (tomorrow is a public holiday so I will get double for that shift) and there is no way in hell I'm leaving my house at this time to drive…
My company is going back to office!
“Member does not show enthusiasm when performing menial tasks” What the f***?