Not exactly anti-work for works sake, but…. I was de-limbing some branches after a windstorm, and slipped with the hand saw, cut my thumb. Over the knuckle so urgent care said I had to go to the ER. I have “good insurance”. An x-ray, 3 stitches, and 5 hours of Mt time later I'm told it'll be an estimated $1700 owed. FUCK. THIS. SYSTEM.
I'm 29, live with my family (common thing in my country, in Southeast Asia). I know this is probably a FAQ by now, I think I just need reassurance because my logical side and my emotional side aren't cooperating. I lost my job about a year ago and have been freelancing. The money isn't much but enough to keep myself afloat and splurge once in a while. About a week ago I finished a major project that took a bit over a month to complete and I'm waiting for payment. It was intense but I enjoyed it very much. So it's basically downtime for me now before my next project starts, but I feel so guilty for not working. The thing is, eversince I move back with my family I've been taking care of about 90% of the household chores since I'm at home most of the time, even back…
A small victory for me.
Just got my little shitmart walkie talkie and very soon i found out it was fun as hell to click it while the big bosses were chatting, effectively letting no one hear what it is they are saying.
Applecare is instructing leadership to come back to the office & “requesting” they start penalizing workers who refuse, including management. Peeps that have worked there for over twenty years are starting to bail on the once great company. I said it before, I'll say it again. Great products… shitty bosses. More “positive attrition” I guess? That's what leadership calls it when employees refuse to tolerate their abuse and quit. “Positive Attrition”
Corpo Lessons Learned
Some things I have learned in the corpo life: Corporate absolutely values metrics over people. People are a means to an end, that end is maximizing profit. Any time a company introduces a value such as “people first”, “work-life balanced”, or “employee focused”, that company has made an argument to its executive board that “less is more” and that automation or consolidation of their FTEs is essential for non-exempt (hourly) workers. All of your bosses are being incentivized to keep you in positions of silence. Supervisory roles are designed to create emotional distance between your experiences and the decisions that lead to greater profits. The business managers and low level executives are being intentionally insulated from contact with you. Fiduciary Responsibility, a legal requirement for executives, demands that if the executive team can make the owner/shareholder/firm more profit, they must do so or face legal action. This includes minimizing pay…
I had no work experience in IT and luckily a company desired to hire me. It was tough but I managed after a year to become pretty good. But the commute and lousy pay was killing me. I was getting two bucks above the minimum wage in my city and doing an hour commute. Finally, I racked enough experience to apply and get hired to a job 15 minutes away from where I live with more pay. “You're leaving after just one year?” My boss said. “Was this your plan just to gain experience and leave? That's pretty messed up” I didn't say anything. It's strange but I felt guilty. Like I was using them to get ahead. It wasn't until my girlfriend said “they were paying you shit knowing your long commute. This is just business. Thats it” she was right of course
stupidity knows no bounds
I Don’t Want To Work At All
I don't want to work at all. I don't want to even expend the energy to pretend I want to work in order to be appropriate to society. What is the easiest way to use the system and let pro-work people pay for my simple lifestyle with their stupidity?