Fired after nine years.
My bf is being fired because management decided to close down for renovations and they’re using the reason… we don’t want old management to influence the new team… he has shown up for every shift for the past nine years. He is so dumbfounded by what happened… idk how he’s going to recoup from this️.
Please Don’t Make Me Get A Job
“You are paid what your work is valued.”
I just fundamentally cannot wrap my head around this argument. I've been seeing it more and more recently and I do not understand how anyone that didn't eat glue as a child can believe it. It's been running laps in my head all week because I just do not get how people actually get to this point. “You are paid by the value of your job in society”. You'd honestly have to be a fucking idiot to say this with your whole chest. Fucking EMTs in my area are paid $17. The nurse at my work used to work as a CNA for 7 fucking dollars an hour. I clean literal shit off toilets for Hallmark for fucking $14, $12 in the beginning of the year. HOW are none of these jobs valuable? Anyone that says this shit doesn't deserve to set foot in a restaurant, retail store, or their…
Stop believing capitalist propaganda
Is a red flag always a red flag?
So I received a job offer from a place that I interviewed at recently, one of the answers I got to “What's the working environment like?” was, “We're a family.” I clicked pretty well with the interviewer and he was straight up on many of his points, I'm wondering if some managers say this because everyone else says it so they don't really mean it or it is another way of saying, “We're a family so we expect you to take abuse and be loyal” type deal.