
Ghosted after the second interview ️

Spent days preparing, curating the porfolio & researching the company. Interviews weren't a walk in the park either. 'We'll let you know later this week/earlier next week – we won't leave you hanging.' One follow-up email asking about the outcome and 2 weeks later, I'm throwing in the towel and going back to freelancing. Experienced plenty of ghosting after the screening/first interviews, but after the second? Jeez. Wish I could allow myself to be childish and send them a note to 'stay classy'. Common courtesy is dead. End of rant.



I feel like the only chance we have is to vote with our wallet and get people to just stop using mega companies and start using local and smaller companies again Not that they are always better but at least they don't have the influence. Someone who's got the talent please make some sort of website listing what the companies do so no one forgets and which are the ones we should agree to boycott first e.c.t.


Unemployment is at 3.6%… again

Remember under Trump when unemployment was at 3.6% and he was a hero? Well, here we are again, still hearing “NoBoDY WanTs to wOrK”. Remind anyone who says something so stupid, the last time we were here. Wages still stagnant, profits still up, tax cut still baked in the stock market.


Tell me you only pay your bands with ‘exposure’ without telling me you only your bands in ‘exposure’….


How do I make it clear I don’t want to participate in birthday culture?

I come to work to get a paycheck and leave. I'm not unfriendly at work, but these people are my co-workers and I don't need more friends. I work in a small-ish department (7 other people) and for whatever ungodly reason, they've all decided that we need to be involved in each other's birthdays. I'm a woman, and my other female co-worker has roped me into helping with birthday planning every time it's someone's birthday, and I suspect it's for the disappointing reason that I'm a woman, so I must be good at it. I am not, lol. Every time it's someone's birthday, someone has to go out, buy donuts or cupcakes, throw money into a pot for flowers or a gift, set it all up and it's all over in 5 minutes. It's a nice gesture for people who want to contribute, but I'm expected to participate every time…


Everything in US politics makes total sense when you remember that we fought a civil war because one group of people wanted to have total control over another group to force them to work. A wealthy white elite wanted to control every single aspect of enslaved peoples’ lives, including reproduction.


My friend worked at Chipotle for over a month and still hasn’t been paid. Anybody know Chipotle’s HR number?

What the title says. The franchise hasn’t had a manager in several months so she hasn’t been put in the system and hasn’t been paid. Chipotle’s customer service is all automated. The only phone number I could find tells you to visit the website then hangs up on you. Emails go unanswered. The chat bot keeps telling me everybody’s busy. I just need the phone number for a human being at Chipotle. Preferably an HR department.


Can I refuse to go onsite if they’re asking me to wear a tracking device?

I have a new remote job with XYZ pharmaceutical company but they will require me to be on site a few times a year, more often in order “to look good” to the hire ups. When on site, we need to wear a tracking device. They say it’s for Covid tracking, but they also don’t require masks or any kind of social distancing. Seems fishy and frankly I don’t want to willingly put a tracker on myself – I know my phone does that for me already in other ways, but not much I can do about that. Can I refuse without looking like a paranoid, difficult employee?


Question: If I’m already at a work orientation for a company and another company I interviewed for offers me a better paying job, do I just sit through the original orientation getting those hours and just leave when the next job starts?


I just don’t want to

This morning I called in “sick”, on my fourth week on the job. I’ve never actually kept a job for too long. I was at the same company for a year through Covid, but I changed roles and had a month or two off on furlough. I used to think it was because I couldn’t/can’t cope with the 45-50 hour weeks but now I’m starting to think it’s because I just don’t want to. I hate leaving the house at 8am and coming back through the door at 6:30pm. Dinner, feed the cats, an hour movie, bed. Up at 6:45am to do it again. Various jobs have meant earlier/later start and finish times too. I’ve gone through countless jobs, I’ve tried every industry you could think of. I’ve paid for various licenses aswell, just to try and find my “fit”. It always starts off great but then I get tired…