Organizing Protests
Can we all get together, come up with a date and protest what’s going on in this economy? What can we do to make change? Isn’t there more of us then the rich? Tired of us all complaining (as we should) but not being able to make a change. I hate the rich and selfish. Hateeeeeeee!
Should I even give 2 weeks notice?
My current job is literally the shittiest place ever. My job is in LA and I only make 14.50 hourly. I’m a graphic designer. My starting pay was actually 13.00 an hour, I asked for a raise after being here for over a year and my boss told me the company was “struggling” and he couldn’t afford to pay me much more. Even though my other coworkers make 20-24 hourly. I’m younger than my other coworkers so my boss thinks he can under pay me heavily. The pay isn’t even the worst part. The office situation is literally unlivable. The break room is a hazard. There are bugs flying around everywhere and the fridge has never been cleaned. The bathrooms never get cleaned either. There is literally shit on the walls and floors. Nothing ever gets cleaned and everything is extremely fucking old because my boss refuses to buy any…
F18 I work as a waitress at a small family owned restaurant for context To make it short my boss wouldn’t let me return to work without a negative covid test because I was having cold symptoms plus a cough (which is reasonable don’t get me wrong) and once I gave him a home test (This was on a Sunday, he requested the covid test Sunday as well so I got it to him same day. I also work on mondays so I assume a home test is what he wanted cuz I can’t get an antibody one in time) he said he didn’t trust home tests and that I had to get a proper antibody test done. So I got it done and sent him my negative results yesterday and I haven’t heard back from him when I usually would have by now. Could he be planning on letting…
I recently found out my company has made a payroll error, and neglected to pay me for 25 hours of overtime so far this year. I've asked to be made whole as soon as possible, and requested all of my pay stubs so I can determine how much I'm owed. I'm considering not working, or at least not working on billable tasks (i'm a consultant) until I'm made whole. In December, I discovered I was shorted an entire years worth of a pay increase. So this is the second time my wages have been shorted in 6 months. What advice does antiwork have for this situation? To be clear my employer is not denying the error and understands they have an obligation to correct it. They included additional funds in my December bonus in an effort to compensate for the previous shortage., but I received no accounting for that money,…
During the pandemic, I held a job that required production folks to come in while engineering, management, and support personnel were required to work from home. As my company tracks productivity on a quarterly basis, we found that we had an 80+% increase in production. The reason? Less interruptions. If your organization involves manufacturing, there is likely data supporting this same type of argument. Fast forward to today where those same people have been required to come back to the office. As we track our time in 6 minute increments, I know for a fact that we lose 2-3 hours a day in distractions primarily from people who should be WFH popping over to talk. This begs the question as to why would any management team that access to this data want to lose that kind of increase? I have yet to hear a compelling argument for forcing people back…
I just read a post about someone getting a good work review and getting a 40c raise. It made me remember in the past when I got a 12c raise and how fucked that is. I remember I had to go to an office kinda far away for the meeting. I remember the two managers who never even looked at my route sitting and smiling. I remember I was asking for a dollar bump because I was working one of the bigger stores (alcohol merchandiser) and was pulling a bunch of extra weight because they couldn't hold staff. A 1% raise. And these assholes were smiling. I asked why so low and they seemed shocked and said something about not smiling enough. They literally never saw me work. If I'm not smiling on the floor it's because I'm heating thousands of pounds of liquor and wine and might have been…