
Let us honor the efforts and sacrifices made by those before us. Keep up the good fight.

This documentary was certainly an eye-opener for me. Never underestimate how far the employing class will go in attempt to suppress progressive movement within the workforce. One Generation's Time: The Legacy of Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes Towards the end, one quote summed things up rather nicely… “I think the labor movement is kind of the only hope for the working class in this country.” -Terri Mast, Inlandboatmen's Union.


Would I be out of line in this circumstance?

So, I started a job on 4/18/2022 working overnights 11pm-7am and I've worked every single day since then (to get some overtime.) I told my boss that's cool because I didn't have anything planned over them days, but it's now 5/7/2022 and I could use a day off. Since day 1; I've improved their paper work to ensure that all customers were getting charged properly, even organized the work office to be more efficient, and have only been late 2 times by an hours, but i made sure that it was OK with whoever was working on 2nd shift. ​ anyways, yesterday morning when my boss came in; I requested that I get Friday nights off and he said he'd look into it. well we just hired 6 new people and one of them said they'd be OK with covering one day out of the week overnights (I only want…


Hershey’s too, found on YouTube. Just pay a living wage and you too can get employees.


Downfall of the hungry proletariat.


We need an anti-electoralist purge

The amount of people I see in the comments here (many of who are new accounts exclusively posting comments like that) telling people to not vote or vote third party is scary, we have 2 million people here and a lot of them are in America. This does nothing but help the Republicans, a party openly opposed to democracy, LGBT rights, women's rights and minority rights. Their victory will be bad for you even if you don't care about minorities, organizing will be made significantly harder, expressing support for anticapitalism will be made illegal in some places. And yes, not voting Democrat doesn't do anything except help Republicans, third parties are mathematically unviable in a presidential system. So I ask for this kind of trolling to be cracked down upon if for nothing else for the sake of labor organizing staying legal


Greetings, European here reading daily american horror stories. Just an opinion about your situation with unions and working laws…

You need an “All-american labor party”. You need to put your faces in it. But you don’t need to be alone: you want to involve famous people, intellectuals, unions and politicians like Sanders, or whoever you have there that’s a decent human being. If you’re waiting for the actual political class to do something, then you’ll wait forever, because everybody in the world knows your bipartisan democrats-republicans is an artificial manipulation to make political “sponsotization” more affordable (if I need to choose between just two parts, it’s easier and cheaper to manipulate the politic of a country). The main thing: your movement first rule should be to avoid any sort of outside donation, only volunteers and inside donations to keep it alive. This will distinguish you from the others. If for whatever reason someone still isn’t thinking “this guy is crazy”, then please continue. If let’s say 8 years from…


Suggestions on health insurance when deciding to spontaneously quit your job?

I’ve been so done with my job for several years now and working in general. I want to take a few months off to not work but am terrified how expensive health insurance would be without my work. It’s one of the main reasons I’ve stuck around for so long, but my patience has worn thin and they have been on my case a lot lately.


Been looking for a new job. Got an invite to apply for a position via Glassdoor. Applied. Heard back today they won’t even interview me. MFW


It’s nurses week and this is how one hospital chooses to honor them.


The inconsistency of Neoliberalism