
Why are they asking what’s my sexual orientation?


Great Expectations: Some much needed perspective.


It honestly feels pointless sometimes

Corporate obsession for efficiency be like Me: “Oh look at this weird thing that happened like 5 times but didn’t happen like 2000 other times” Corporation: “What steps are we taking to prevent this from happening again?”


Employee is a volunteer firefight, takes time off during work hours


Salary or hourly?

How many people in this thread have a salaried job of over 80k? Is most of this movement hourly based positions? I don’t have either so just wondering.


My worst job: Tasting 18 day old milk. Can you beat it?

No, if the milk was obviously spoiled or curdled, I didn’t have to taste it. But if it looks fine and smelled OK, I had to perform organoleptic testing (fancy term for taste test).


Work order tech doing multiple jobs

I have been hired (sept 2021) with a company that expressed this work order tech position is an experiment, they have given me pretty free reign(which has its own set of problems navigating with zero S.O.P's put in place.) I have been contacting ,scheduling, following up, and doing it with a route to maintain with constant Interuptions. At 90 days I got a small raise ($2 p/h) with constant confirmation I am doing everything right. Here I am getting excited about all these feathers I can add up to a pay raise and they hire a low wage job do do this for me( and now 2 other guys) How do I go about this conversation? I used to drive 1 hour(my commute) to sit in a parking lot to do these things Thank God for tech because I have been able to automate my phone and do this hands…


.Update: Confusing pay period; valid, but salty. (Note: I quit for lung-related health concerns.)


Under the slogan “Build the Workers Assembly Movement! Organize the South!,” nearly 80 workers from eight Southern states gathered in Durham, North Carolina for a Southern Workers Assembly Organizing School over the weekend of April 29 – May 1


the car towing scam

car towing services they tow ur car and then charge u a $100 a day storage fee like bitch YOU took it But it's not because of lack of space or anything.. It's because it's part of the scam. That's a whatever you had to pay before to get your car back will be much much more the longer you wait. I will eventually it becomes too much for you to ever be able to afford so they get to keep your car and then sell it The Genius of it is at according to the law when they sell it they have to pay you the difference. They can only keep the money that you owed and the rest of the money for the car has to be given to you. But the of it is that they've already charged so many storage fee that often times those fees…