
How to Spot When the Boss is Breaking the Law


Thanks Glassdoor for sharing this “high paying” opportunity.


Apple hires labor-busting lawyers to fight employees’ efforts to unionize


CFO took my promotion away because I asked for too much money

We're going through a restructuring and yesterday morning, my manager's boss, the CFO, offered my manager's position to me at a lower than market salary. I informed my boss of their plans and countered with a market rate that was 25k higher than what they offered. ​ This morning I received a counteroffer of 5k more and I asked for an additional 5k, explaining the extra responsibilities that this role entails deserves higher pay. ​ This afternoon, I received the following teams message: “after circling up internally, I’m afraid we are going to decline your counter-offer.  Our offer yesterday was already beyond what we had envisioned and I don’t think we are going to reach agreement.  For now, I’m just going to leave everything as is.  That allows [a board member]'s work to continue and we’ll determine path forward later. ” ​ The difference between the two current offers is…


In Japan, napping at work won’t get you fired. In fact, taking time out for a snooze is seen as honorable and a sign of diligence by employers.


Late stage capitalism ruining the lives of Americans since the Reagan administration.


Ask people on the “grind” what their end goal is, and it’s not “more grinding” – so why glamorize it?


I left a job interview midway and I feel like I’m on top of the world.

I applied for a job in an accounting management position and it was hands-down the worst interview ever. Both interviewers were asking questions you would find in an accounting exam (ie. scenario questions about HST). They were asking questions that could have been answered if they had looked at my resume. Do you have any experience doing ERP? Yes I do if you had taken the time to look at my resume, you would have found out that I do work with ERPs. (Also sidenote: I never understood this questions because I have worked in organizations with both ERPs and non-ERPs and it has never affected my roles personally). The interviewers looked like they were going through the motions and had I gotten the job, I would have reported to these lifeless drones. I knew it was a bust. Instead of waiting for the hour to be up, I just…


Federal legislation to mandate all state minimum wages must keep up with cost of living

We’re fighting on multiple fronts in terms of the federal, state, and municipal minimum wage. Would it make more sense to fight that there be a federal law that each state must have a minimum wage that matches its cost of living? I know because it would be based an averages, it would be biased against people living in urban higher col areas, which in many states are people of color. But at least it would raise the minimum wage across the board and make states responsible for adjusting it to inflation? Thoughts?


Resigned today

Longtime lurker, first time poster… I submitted my resignation letter today. I’m a nurse at a hospital. The area in which I work recently experienced a blizzard that left power outages. This blizzard was not a surprise, and was predicted to be big, with 2 feet of snow, high winds, and power outages expected. Of course the power did go out, but luckily the hospital has generators to run essential equipment. Throughout my shifts during this blizzard, not one member of leadership/administration was present at the hospital. Not one member of leadership/administration called to see how we were hanging in there. We sent an email expressing how disheartening it felt to be left like that. They called us in for a meeting and made excuses and deflected. They said, “do you think one of us should live here all winter?” I said during a predicted impending natural disaster, yes, one…