Sexist Unequal Pay
Went to a cult school where they paid the following: Married men got the most despite of how little experience they had Single men Married women Single women got the least. They claimed religious privilege. They claimed it was godly. They claimed they were supporting straight godly families. The state (Alabama) shut them down for abuse to the children. I've never said this but…. good for Alabama.
Random thought about hoarding
Sorry for not having a more descriptive title, I couldn't think of a good one for this post. Today I ended up seeing a thread on Reddit about Elon being Elon and how shitty he is. In that post someone pointed out that all billionaires suck because they hoard wealth they don't even need since it lasts for generations and comes from exploitation of people who don't have enough to pay rent. Pretty much the usual common sense understanding of billionaires really. Except, there were people insisting it's not bad and it's not hoarding since it's useful money and helps them help the next generations of their family. Now this got me thinking… When the covid pandemic was just hitting and people didn't know how long it would last, the internet was livid at people that bought and hoarded toilet paper. No one thought “maybe they need it 2 months…
Antiwork Badge button
anonymous salary survey
we got an email that everyone is invited to complete and submit a survey on our salary. the word “anonymous” makes me laugh. I tried entering that website link at home and it didn't work, so obviously we have to do it through our work computer which is connected to the intranet. all work computer logins are logged, so don't try to say it's anonymous.