
Resident Mortality And Worker Infection Rates From COVID-19 Lower In Union Than Nonunion US Nursing Homes


What if this sub formed a worker’s union?

So, when are we gonna stop complaining about the terrible system and actually do something about it? Right now this sub has absolutely no power, but if everyone in it became part of a big union, we’d have some actual power to fight the system. Just a thought.


Started working a couple of months ago

Context, 5 months or so ago, I started working. I live in the Netherlands so we have all kinds of protections in place that most of you in the US don't have. You guys got it way worse than me and that makes me feel even more like a whiny bitch than I do. Sincerely I don't know how you guys do it. I'm feeling fucking horrible about my job. It constantly fills me with dread. I sit behind a screen 40 hours every week doing administration work in finance. I feel like my life has lost all meaning. I used to teach history and it wasn't all good, I taught at multiple schools and the school really defines the job, but at least I was accomplishing something there. Now, I spent 40 hours making 2,2K, again I know a lot of you work harder for less, but I still…


“The biggest question in economics and politics of the coming decade will be what to do with all these useless people…” – Dr Noah Harari on A.I inevitably taking over most jobs.

Pretty soon A.I will have taken over most jobs, so now we're reaching a point in human history where humans won't only not have to work, but there literally won't be jobs for the vast majority of people, that means people won't be “productive members” of society, making them basically useless in the eyes of the powers that be. Dr Harari talking about this: “The biggest question in economics and politics of the coming decade will be what to do with all these useless people. The problem is more boredom…how will they find some sense of meaning in life, when they are basically meaningless, worthless?” – Source (at 4:13) At the world government summit that happened a few weeks ago even Elon Musk said: “There'll be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot can't do better. What to do about mass unemployment? I think ultimately we'll have to have some…


im 23 years old and i have never work

So as the title says i'm 23 and i have never worked. I've applied of jobs in places like mcdonalds and thinks like that and not even there they want to hire me, i always mention i have a dissability thinking that that will somehow help me get the job but NO. After reading throw this reddit i've realized that i want work to be abolished. It's a shame that at 23 i still have to be financially dependent on my parents. I'm so sad about everything. EDIT: To say that i am from Spain, but mostly look at thing in reddit in english, that's why i posted here.


Just been informed my job will be closing for two weeks… Starting this Monday.

And there will be no cost of living wage increases to offset not only this surprise vacation; but also because I work in a restaurant and we make a base pay of $6 an hour. Anyone know of anyone hiring remote?


OSHA Safety Violation Blatantly Ignored

I'm unsure what to do at this point. I love my job, but I'm worried about management ignoring safety protocols. I work for a cannabis growing/processing facility. We have to wear face respirators with special cartridges to spray pesticides/herbicides/fungicides on the plant. This happens 3-5 times per week. OSHA requires employees to have proper fit testing and be medically evaluated before they can wear respirators. No one here has ever been medically evaluated and we have not had training on respirator safety (until today because I kept telling our safety officer that we need this as it's an OSHA violation, but we have been spraying for the last 6 months ). I have been bringing up the issue of medical evaluations and I get ignored (it can all be documented through emails BTW). Do I call OSHA and make an anonymous complaint? I'm afraid I'll get fired if I do…


Go to second image to see the bootlickers….also, what average worker makes $78k?


if you want to take loads of smoke breaks but don’t want to start developing a smoking habit and killing yourself, just start vaping cbd and don’t tell your boss what it is


An Insurance Company That Doesn’t Offer Insurance

I just got off a job interview with a certain insurance company with a duck mascot. I was asking about health insurance because I'm about to age out of my coverage. The guy tells me they don't offer health insurance. Are you kidding me?? An insurance company that prides itself on taking care of sick employees, yet doesn't do the same for its own?? Needless to say I told them to kick rocks.