Why does it has to be this way
Employee morale/productivity service?
I’m a long time lurker on this subreddit and am a dreamer by nature. I have tried many side hustles that just didn’t click, but that hasn’t stopped me in the pursuit of one. So this idea I have had floating around is starting a company that goes to different factories, stores, and anything in between to improve worker morale and productivity. I have always been into employee happiness. To which I always am fighting to improve the quality of the workers experience. The process would consist of either a small presentation with a pamphlet of tailored question and comment areas. Then consolidating the data that would be presented to the company and they could make whatever changes to improve their company that I have suggested. The second option would be basically the same but individual meetings of maybe 5 minutes with the employees. Sometimes I dream too big. What…
Just realized something
I've seen a lot of discussions on wheter what comes first, the customer or the employees. And this conversations get really heated. But in the end, its the shareholders, the shareholders come first, always. I'm a customer of a lot of things and i'm sure that a lot of decisions didn't give a fuck of what I think about them. It's just another example of the mega rich letting the lower classes fight each other.
Seattle, Washington. Home of the CHAZ/CHOP. home of the former Lincoln Park, home of the current Cal Anderson Park—the same park, renamed in honor of Washington State’s first openly gay legislator: Cal Anderson. Seattle, Washington. Home of “Black Lives Matter” flags, rainbow flags, and trans pride flags everywhere you look. The tolerant queer haven. Pronoun pins everywhere you look. Way better than all those backwards hickvilles out east. Way better than you, if you dare let your Midwest accent reveal yourself as an outsider. They’ll just ignore you then. Nobody cares. Seattle, Washington. The first city where I heard it being acceptable for “comrades” to speak poorly of the homeless and addicted—an act which I was spanked over during my childhood upbringings in rural Kansas, South Carolina, and Indiana. You can talk shit about anyone who isn’t cis, straight and white, I was taught—but NEVER speak poorly on people who…
I keep reading arguments about how there are no “unskilled” jobs, and how the person doing tiresome manual labor deserves more pay than the one sitting at a desk because the work is physically harder. That is a nice idea but the reality is that a job's pay is determined by the free market. The more people there are who are able to perform a task (supply), the lower the pay will naturally be, and a specialized job that fewer can perform will pay more due to limited supply. It's why the surgeon earns a lot more than the person unloading trucks at a warehouse. I fully support the worker movement happening currently and I agree that anyone who works full time deserves a living wage that covers the necessities, but a low skilled job that can be learned in a few hours or days should not pay as much…